“All the land from the desert and the Lebanon to the great river, the Euphrates River — all the land of the Hittites — and on to the Great Sea in the west will be your territory.”-Joshua 1:4
Here ‘s an ugly truth that needs to be proclaimed from every rooftop in the Middle East.
The land of Israel today is a far cry from what Scripture says should really be the land of Israel.
If we’re really going to go by what the Bible says, the West Bank, Lebanon and the pretty much all of Syria must be given to the Jews.
And by the way, the so-called West Bank was actually Judea and Samaria in Yeshua’s day.
It doesn’t stop there.
The whole area we today call Gaza Strip must also be added to Israel’s holdings if we’re really going to be faithful to Scripture.
Let me make myself clear homies.
Liberal church leaders who would even dare argue that the Holy Land doesn’t include Gaza, the West Bank and the Golan Heights are speaking from pure Scriptural ignorance.
And actually I’m not too surprised because the Torah knowledge of most Church leaders is ridiculously low.
I should also that the the towns of Ashkelon and Ashdod are also included in the Biblical definition of what belongs to Israel.
If there’s anyone offended about what I just said, sorry but you can go jump in a lake.
I bow down to what Scripture says is Holy Land territory and will not accept any other source.
All of the above territories I just mentioned ALL belong to the Lord and He has chosen to give all of that real estate to His chosen people Israel.
Got it?
It doesn’t matter what the current geopolitical realities are.
It doesn’t matter how much of the majority of the gentile church secretly hates the Jewish people and Israel.
It doesn’t matter that much of the Arab and Muslim world wants to end the existence of Israel and the Jewish people.
None of that changes anything.
Every time I read or watch the news, it pains me every time I see Israeli government leaders trying to appease their enemies and bargain from a position of weakness instead of standing firm on the unshakeable promises of HASHEM clearly laid down in Scripture.
I’m telling you right now, whether you’re a Jew or Gentile, the real reality you need to bow down to is the sovereign will of God.
To attempt to thwart the God’s will through compromise or negotiation is not only stupid, it’s downright dangerous and the Messiah is going to call you on your foolishness when he returns.
I pray that none of us will ever turn our back on the Word of God and what it clearly says concerning which territory belongs to Israel even if we’re laughed at or lose friends and family in the process.
I’m so glad that at last somebody is speaking up in support of the truth; I’ve longed for this day!
Thanks Caroline. It’s what the Scripture clearly says. It cannot be denied. Be blessed and SHALOM!