Christianity has always said that followers of Yeshua (Jesus) should do as he did, but then they teach people to do everything BUT what Yeshua did!
And if you ask me, the worst thing that they have taught is to worship Yeshua and center everything around him, effectively replacing the worship of God with the worship of Yeshua.
Everything Yeshua did, for every miracle he performed and for every commandment he required, he gave glory and credit to God, his Father.
He never took any credit for himself; every single thing he did was to glorify God.
In fact, throughout the Gospel of John, we read many times how Yeshua said that he only did what God told him to do and he only said what God told him to say.
And this replacement of God with Yeshua, which is a form of idolatry, is seen in the dual prophecy Yeshua gave regarding him being lifted up like the snake in the desert (John 3:15).
One aspect of that prophecy was about the immediate future, i.e. Yeshua’s crucifixion, and the other was about the distant future.
This is what happened with the snake.
In Numbers 21:6-9, we read about the snake in the desert, which was at first only a symbol of the salvation God granted from death (by snakebite) whenever someone looked to it, but later the snake was worshipped as an idol (2 Kings 18:4), and as such replaced God.
The prophecy Yeshua made was to warn us against this, but it has happened exactly as he said it would, for today Christianity rarely glorifies God but instead has made Yeshua God and replaced the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob with Yeshua, the Messiah.
I am absolutely certain that if Yeshua came to the earth right now, he would be pretty upset with the “Church” for having done this.
Yeshua NEVER made himself the object of our worship, but Christianity has.
This is also one of the reasons (besides Christians killing Jews) that Jews cannot accept anything about Yeshua, because it is a violation of the very watchword of our faith, the Shemah prayer, where we say the Lord is our God, the Lord is one.
By making Yeshua the object of worship, the early church leaders guaranteed that no Jew would accept Yeshua as Messiah, and also fulfilled the prophecy Yeshua made about being like the snake in the desert, eventually replacing worship of God with the worship of him.
So you decide.
Are you going to also fulfill the prophecy of Yeshua and lift him up above and in place of God, or are you going to worship God, alone, and accept Yeshua for what he is- the Messiah?
Yeshua is the servant of God.
He’s not God, he’s the Messiah, God’s servant, and the only means of salvation since the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem.
Truth be told, it doesn’t matter if Yeshua is really God in a separate form or just the son of God because that is not what saves us– faith in God and acceptance of Yeshua as our Messiah is what saves us.
Yeshua has a role to play, as Messiah, and until that role is completed after the new earth comes down from heaven, Yeshua is only the Messiah, and nothing more, deserving of praise and glory, but not deserving of worship because we worship only God, just the same way Yeshua said he did.
Excellent. The cold truth.
nice post
Amen! This truth needs to be shared far and wide.
So we have the Roman Iesous cult, the “works only” cult, the “baptism only” cult, the “believe only” cult, the pre/mid/post-trib “rapture” cult, and more. Yeshua was prophesied as the Messiah, the ransom, the only kindred Son of Yahweh, the lamb of Yahweh, the ruler and commander of heaven and earth. He told us to pray to Abba (Yahweh) and ask in his (Yeshua shortened for Yehoshua) name, therefore Set-Apart is Yahweh the creator, Elohei Tseva’ot. Holding faithful to Yeshua is NOT “believe only”. We follow Yahweh’s commandments because in them is everlasting life. Only when we are truly sorry and turn from our transgressions will his atoning blood wipe them away. The old covenant promise is fulfilled, not replaced, because Yahweh provided the lamb, the true sacrifice for atonement (wiping away) and reconciliation back to Him. Hallelu-Yah
*We know because we listen to Yahwehalone and another we do not follow
I’m so happy to see that people do actually understand, because while we absolutely should believe in the Christ to only believe in him superficially is actually classed as idolatry, we should not worship any man, animal, or graven image or mountain in fact if we worship anything on earth or in heaven ie stars or the sun or moon etc etc this is actually idolatry. So yes people the Christians are in fact idol worshippers, praying to jesus is very much a sin, although to pray to god in Jesus names is not a problem, we are living in crazy times when people do whatever they want, I started repenting 4 years ago and have been slowly applying god’s laws to my life especially his food laws concerning cross pollination of different plants, because modern science tells us that cross pollinated plants are lacking in true life giving properties and cannot reproduce a true plant thereafter and god tells us very clearly that mingled seeds are defiled, so science actually agrees with what god himself tells us in the living word 6000 years ago, so there must be a god otherwise how could he have known these things, it is because he actually created them so he knows exactly what is good and bad for us,
Hey Trevor,
I know you weren’t replying to me, but I wanted to thank you for posting this comment.
I found it to be both very inspiring and encouraging.
Be blessed!