This letter is to the leaders of the state of Israel. If you are a friend of Israel and the Jewish people, then please share this with everyone you know, then have them share it with all their friends, until this goes viral and reaches the very door of the Knesset.
To the leadership of the state of Israel:
Why has there been constant war, despite the many efforts the descendants of Isaac have made to be friendly with their brothers, the descendants of Ishmael?
Ishmael was ejected from the tent of Abraham because he was abusing Isaac. God said Ishmael will be the father of a great nation, but that he will always be a man whose hand is against all men, and all men’s hands will be against him.
When Joshua entered the land, God told him to make sure that everywhere God said the land was to belong to his chosen people, the enemies of God living there at that time must be utterly and completely destroyed.
If not, they will become a trap and a snare, and a thorn in the side of the people.
Well, God wasn’t kidding, and to this day, thousands of years later, the fact that Joshua and the tribes taking over the land did NOT do as God told them to do is the reason we are in another war, today.
So, please- let’s get it right this time.
Forget trying to please a world that doesn’t care if Israel lives or dies, although they prefer you die.
So, please- stop trying to make nice with those who only want to kill you.
So, please- take the handcuffs and foot shackles off the IDF and Mossad and let them go kick tuchas!
Let’s show those cowardly murderers that they can’t hide behind their own people anymore- and may God protect the innocent.
Leaders of Israel- for once, let’s do as God told us to do, and rid ourselves of our enemies, and the heck with what the world says!
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