When reading Scripture, we’re all guilty of superimposing our own ideas, insecurities and bias into the text.
This is called “eisegesis” in convoluted seminary talk.
For example, in the Genesis account, most people assume the first human created was a male.
However, the Scripture isn’t so crystal clear on this point.
Let’s take a good look at the text.
“And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him;
male [zakhar] and female [nekeivah] He created them.”-Genesis 1:27
The first human being could have been androgynous (both male and female).
Here are some quotes from the ancient rabbis supporting the validity of this idea:
“At the time that the Holy One, Blessed Be He created Man, He created him as an Androgynos.”
-Rabbi Samuel b. Nahman
“At the time that [Adam] was created, he was made with two faces, and [God] sliced him and gave him two backs, a female one and a male one.”-Resh Lakish
The authoritative commentator Rashi also says that it was not just a “rib” that was taken from Adam to form a woman, but rather that the original man was split into two sides.
Another interesting point is that if Genesis 1 records the creation of males and females, how is it that Adam in Genesis 2, which immediately follows, has no partner?
Jesus replied, “Haven’t you read that at the beginning the Creator made them male and female?”
-Matthew 19:4
I would caution you from believing all that the ancient rabbis believed. Quite often they were wrong. Jesus tried to correct them.
True. But quite often the Rabbis were right as well.
I LOVE this reply!
So why is it so important to Babylonian/Sumerian types of today to turn humans androgynous? Why is it so prevalent in the occult for switching genders? The occult hates God so the androgynous is a mockery of God imo. It has to be much deeper than androgyny and also sex which is not what God had intended originally- even after Eve came out of Adam- for reproduction and which is what lucifer uses to pervert Gods original intent whatever that was. Eve coming out of Adam also spits in the face of some mother entity. The miracle is woman coming from man originally but then from woman after the fall. I started reading in Judges and came to this to see if some answers to huge questions I have about genesis might be answered and of course eve coming from out of Adam was one However, I would be very careful about simplifying this big question simply to androgyny, it seems like a tiny patch over on the huge hole of a question of what Eve coming out from adam means. I’d love to know if you have come across anything since writing this. Thank you!
Interesting thoughts. Thanks for sharing.
There is something I find very interesting- “adam” was created from dust, whereas “eve” was created from…..”adam”….
Could this im-ly a more complex dna structure than that which we know of today? Could that same complex dna structure within both “adam” and “eve” explain the expansion of the human species, from the perspective of a very limited population?
While I cannot see anything Scriptural in this, that does not mean it isn’t there…
Interested thoughts Sam. Thanks for sharing.
The the push of acceptance of mockery which calls men pregnant by occultists and satanists now tells me you may be right. This little man who loves to mock God said that “God only made organic entities” “ like trees” (which more of would cure climate change),” giraffes and humans.”. He went on to say that “we” which I’m sure means the entities he’s entangled with, will “create better entities” through machines and ai. Using the ai in the cloud they made “not some God above the clouds”. There was also a city called Ai In the Old Testament. There is much here to seek and unpack.
Having just loved all the teaching I’ve read so far, I really struggled with this one. With so much opposition today to God’s wonderful creation of male and female I recoiled from the idea that God created Adam androgynous.
Thanks for reading Jeannette and glad you found this article interesting. Be blessed and Shalom!
Contradicts what you’ve said in another post about The Hebrew word for help-meet “KENEGDO” meaning “opposite him”, “alongside him” or “a counterpart for him”.
He wouldn’t need a counterpart if he was both!
The structure of genesis record of creation record is full of summary statements. A perfect example is Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth; a summary of the whole work of creation. Then the record steps back and explains how God accomplished that
The structure of the Creation record.
Ge 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Followed by an explanation of how he went about creation… the record starts at the beginning of creation. (eg. The heavens weren’t established until day 2 (v8))
Gen.1:2-25 Days 1-6
Gen 1:26 The plan and purpose of mankind.
Gen1:27 Creation of mankind (both male and female).
Gen 1:28-31 Dominion established under mankind.
Gen 2:1-3 Creation complete, The seventh day of rest.
Now the record jumps back again
Gen.2:4-6 no man
Gen.2:7 Mankind formed man of the dust of the ground, and given life
Gen 2:8-14 The garden of Eden
Gen 2:15-17 Adam placed in the garden, and given the command
Gen 2:18-20 Not was not good for Adam to be alone.
Adam caused to realise that he is alone.
Gen2:20-23 formation of Eve
Please do the scriptures justice and acknowledge that the structure includes summary statements – (Heaven wasn’t created twice. Man was not re-created in chapter two etc).
Also, it doesn’t fit with the rest of scripture e.g. Eph.5 the type of Christ and his bride (the believers collectively) Christ was not androgynous
We read… “And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him;
Male and female He created them.”-Genesis 1:27
“male and female He created them.” is a separate statement.
The rest of this comment is simply establishing the previous point, as well as more evidence that Adam was a foreshadowing of the work of Christ.
In scripture you won’t find the image of God attributed to the woman, this because it comes from the man (hence why woman was taken from the side of man (as was mentioned in a previous comment)). Again this is because the only hope we have of manifesting god’s character is though the death of Christ (the second Adam 1Co 15:47(Christ side pierced like Adam was for the sake of his bride)) everything about our life in Christ now is only possible though the work of Christ.
Don’t think I’m been anti-feminist here; we all possess a sin prone fleshly nature which we inherited being descendants from Adam. Adam wasn’t created like this. (i.e. In a fallen state)
Adam was created in god’s image and likeness with the intention that we should think, and act like him. Adam failed to do this. And fell from a state described as very good to the very nature we possess today. But the second Adam, Christ (being the second son of God), despite bearing the same nature as us (Heb 4:15) did accomplish what God initially required of Adam; ‘obedience’ – he truly was the ultimate manifestation of god’s image and likeness. Consider Col.2:7 9 “For in him all the wealth of God’s being has a living form,”
(he was the essence of what God was all about, but manifest in the flesh. John 1)
It is clear there are to different “states” (for lack of a better word) of bearing God’s image. Cp 1Co 15:49 “And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.”
What this verse tells us is we must leave behind the image and likeness of Adam (“And Adam… begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth.” Gen 5:3) and adopt the image and likeness of God made available again thought Christ.
Consider the following quotes.
Therefore we, though Christ, are the body made in God’s image. Like Eve was though Adam…
Php 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.
1Jo 3:2 …it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.
Ro 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
Saying that Adam was ‘androgynous’ is not supported in the scriptures and there is absolutely no way that that fits with the rest of the scriptures (Eph.5:32) “ I speak concerning Christ and the Church.”
The key to this, is to recognise that the natural represents the spiritual. And the natural always proceeds the spiritual. “Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.” (1Cor 15:46)
Believing that Adam could have been ‘androgynous’ robs the bible of its moral power to try to follow Christ and removes the foundation of how God will bring about not just two sons of God, (Adam and Christ) but many sons to glory (Heb 2:10).
Any questions feel free to email me at Stephenpearson664@gmail.com
Great commentary brother Stephen and thanks for the leaving your email so we can edify each other! I appreciated your comments! Whilst I think @rischoka comment was rather devoid of strong arguments or basis, as of only recently found that Revelation from what I believe is the Spirit‘S leading. I maybe wrong of course, and the spirit will correct me both at the reading of scripture or through forums like this. Whilst I’m not learned (didn’t go to Bible school nor am I of any position in any church) I do rely on the Holy Spirit for his prompting and teaching which it should be!
1. I do think the word “androgynous@ is a problem from the outset, as by definition, and by societal perception, we view and “androgynity” as something negative, controversial – given all the issues to do with transgender, intersex, LGBQT+… therefore, as Belivers in Yeshua we immediately went to discredit such arguments. Understandably so the whole – flat Earth argument! – and the execution it caused after Christ in the enlightened world – natural and spiritual (as you say).
2.I Will not Court chapter and verse to support my argument because you’ve already done that for me. I.e. if you look at the verses you’ve quoted starting from Genesis in particular and you take for argument sake that this maybe correct you begin to see the thread coming through! Herewith a few pointers:
a) Adamah made in the image of God! If God is gender free, immediately tells you that Adamah would have been similar! (by they way God does have a preferred dominant gender he used ie male, son, Father – thus I would not saying he is gender neutral per se!)
b) your argument natural and spiritual! God is spiritual but chose His fullness to dwell in Man! ie Yeshua (note only time it’s Spiritual to Natural) because it’s establishing a new being! Creation begins in the Spirit not natural!
c) True sons of God originate from Yeshua the Messiah! Agree the side of the rib – cut! – by caesarian section – we are all born from Yeshua in His image! Same with Isha! Take and Eat this my Body (given) for you! ie transforms us to His body!
d) Marriage supper of the Lamb! Similar to Adamah declaring that and naming Eve as one take from him! Yeshua proposes with His body, seals with His Spirit and consummate with His written with the Bride! (You know already how Jewish wedding works and how Father determines time to consummate marriage). Revelation: His name on our foreheads! (Btw: on this issue & our future home Jerusalema, are the different levels of saved : ie holy & kings & priests like Yeshua & some righteous & with eternity (ie have access river of life) outside the city (but no more sinners ie all those in eternal fire!) – I’ve been feeling so but will let the Ruach HaKodesh clarify).
e) all your vs. & points support agree with in particular the one summary statements that God makes and expands! Gen 1.27 as you quote:
“So G-d created humankind in His own tzelem, in the tzelem Elohim (image of G-d) created He him; zachar (male) and nekevah (female) created He them.”
Bereshis 1:27 OJB…after He him (I prefer colon: as:
“So God created humankind in his own image; in the image of God he created him: male and female he created them.”
B’resheet (Gen) 1:27 CJB
but semi will do still.
It’s clear that God is saying hold just to make it clear the fact that in Chapter 2 I expand on how this happened ie Ish first, doesn’t mean I didn’t create Isha! (One way to interpret it). At the same time In Chap 2 God doesn’t actually form Isha from dust/ground but from Ish…proving that in Ish he had all the ingredients of a Isha!
“And Hashem Elohim said, It is not tov that the adam should be alone; I will make him an ezer (a helper) suitable for him.
And Hashem Elohim caused a tardemah (deep sleep) to fall upon the adam, and he slept; and He took from one of his tzalelot (sides, ribs), and closed up the basar in the place thereof; And the tzela (rib), which Hashem Elohim had taken from the adam, made He an isha, and brought her unto the adam.”
Bereshis 2:18, 21-22 OJB p.s. this ties in with Yeshua’s giving up His body for us!
And note:
“This is why a man is to leave his father and mother and stick with his wife, and they are to be one flesh.”
B’resheet (Gen) 2:24 CJB back to One Body! So it’s with the Messiah and his Bride! (Called, Chosen, made righteous/justified & glorified like His Son!)
As you said
KENEGDO” meaning “opposite him”, “alongside him” or “a counterpart for him”.
We stand alongside the Messiah as fellow brethren and as sons of God! He being preeminent! – first born! And as King of Kings – we are Kings!
“ “For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life.”
II Corinthians 5:4 NKJV
3.Science: Biology: XY+XX = XYXX ie or XYXX – split XY|XX = XY & XX
DNA how strand replicates – open into two copy and replicate…etc
Blood Groups, ABO, Ruach HaKodesh factors etc support similar concept to replicating and dominant (expressed) and recessive (hidden) alleles…
Welcome to contact…
This is deep! I never heard this idea before but it makes sense. It’s got me thinking about what Jesus said next in the text ,
And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Matthew 19:5
That helps to understand what Jesus was trying to say and to under where this Idea of ONE FLESH COMES FROM!!! BROTHER YOU JUST GAVE ME A THOUGHT PROVOKING MOMENT!!! HALLELUJAH!!!
Glad you enjoyed this Keisha. Thanks for reading and be blessed!