Today we begin Exodus Chapter 8.
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Adonai said to Moshe, “Say to Aharon, ‘Reach out your hand with your staff over the rivers, canals and ponds; and cause frogs to come up onto the land of Egypt.’” Aharon put out his hand over the waters of Egypt, and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt.-Exodus 8:1-2
The second NEGA or stroke against Egypt was a massive outbreak of frogs.
In Egypt frogs symbolized fertility.
This was just the beginning of what was to be a major onslaught against the pantheon of false gods the Egyptian people worshipped.
In this case, the attack was being directed towards the representative frog goddess named HECKET.
As I mentioned in my last post, the 10 plagues were amplifications of what already regularly occurred in nature.
The inundation of frogs was an expected event that occurred yearly in the fall season.
However, what made the outbreak God caused through Moses so supernatural was simply the huge numbers of swarming frogs that arose.
They appeared everywhere, even finding their way into the driest of places such as bread ovens, bedrooms and kitchen cupboards.
The very fact that these croaking reptiles even found there way onto the dry landscape just yards beyond the Nile’s banks was in and of itself miraculous.
In response, once again Pharaoh summons his magicians to duplicate what Moses and Aaron did.
And once again we get a glimpse of the irrational madness that had overtaken Pharaoh.
What good would it do to add to the frog infestation?
This was just Pharaoh’s pride out of control as he sought a way to save face and play down the undeniable power Moses was demonstrating.
As with the first plague of the Nile River turning blood red, the Egyptian sorcerers were able to mimic to an extent what had happened, but they could not overturn it.
We are brought face-to-face with an important principle here.
Satan cannot reverse what God has decreed.
God does indeed allow the devil to mimic His Works and perform miracles, but only to a certain degree that ultimately serves to fulfill His will.
The Anti-Christ when he appears on the world stage is going to fool many with his miraculous working power.
But when you study the end-time prophecies, you will notice that he will not to be able to stop or reverse God’s Works.
So be comforted when you deal with demonic adversity from time to time.
The Spirit that resides in you is stronger than the god of this world.
One final interesting point that only the shrewdest of Bible students will catch.
Let’s go back to verse 28 of Exodus Chapter 7 where it says “the river will swarm with frogs”.
Now compare this to the following verse from the creation story in Genesis Chapter One:
And God said, “Let the waters swarm with the swarm of living creatures and let fowl fly over the earth across the vault of the heavens.”-Genesis 1:21
And let’s make another comparison with this verse from Exodus Chapter One.
“And the sons of Israel were fruitful and swarmed and multiplied and grew very vast, and the land was filled with them.”-Exodus 1:6
I had to purposely choose a Bible translation that consistently uses the verb “will swarm” which I believe is closest to the original transitive Hebrew verb used in these texts.
Now here’s the awesome connection.
The positive allusions to the Creation story, that are also sounded in the first chapter of Exodus, turn into a network of reversals of the original creation.
The positive swarming of life in Genesis transforms into a threatening swarm of odious creatures in Exodus.
In other words, just as creation emerged via a process of discriminated and ORGANIZED stages, in judging Pharaoh this organized process is being undone with apocalypse being the other side of the coin of creation.
Essentially what God is releasing is the perfect reflection of the Darwinian mind, where chaos and undiscriminated terror reign.
Later, we will see this same reversal become particularly pronounced when God turns light back into darkness.
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