Today we begin Exodus Chapter 39.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here.
For the King James version, click here.
Chapter 39 is a detailed recounting of the priestly garments or to be more specific the creation of Aaron’s garments who will become Israel’s first High Priest.
This chapter is a perfect opportunity to review the details and awesome symbolism these garments represent.
This many-layered garment consisting of rare and expensive yarns and blue, purple and scarlet colored cloths was quite difficult to manufacture.
Chapter 39 focuses on the outer pieces of the uniform beginning with the EPHOD.
Recall that the EPHOD and the breastplate are two different pieces.
However, it was common to just refer to both of these pieces as simply “the EPHOD”.
The Ephod was the apron and the Breastplate was the square metallic piece attached to the EPHOD and contained 12 precious and semi-precious stones arranged in rows and columns.
Each of the stones had the name of a tribe of Israel engraved on it.
Thus, the Breastplate represented all the 12 tribes of Israel.
The Breastplate was affixed to the EPHOD via two rings attached to the EPHOD and was worn on the chest kind of like a protective shield covering the heart.
There were two shoulder straps connecting the front side of the EPHOD to a piece on the back.
Affixed to each of these straps were two large onyx stones that rested on the top of the right and left shoulders.
We’re told that the names of the 12 tribes of Israel were also engraved on these two stones.
Although not specified in Scripture, the Jewish sages for the most part agree that the names of the 12 tribes were evenly divided into two groups.
In other words, 6 Tribes of Israel were engraved on one stone and the last 6 on the other.
Again, the symbolism represented by these stones is awesome.
The individual tribe name being engraved on each stone indicates the unique identity of each tribe.
Yet the fact that they are grouped together indicates that they are ECHAD or one.
Although I can’t be dogmatic about this, I’ve heard some Torah teachers say that the two large stones placed on the shoulders seem to be prophetic of Israel eventually being split up into two kingdoms about 400 years into the future when upon King Solomon’s death, there will be a civil war that will split Israel.
The only problem I would have with this is that when Israel was separated, it wasn’t an even split, but rather a division of 2 tribes and 10 tribes.
Another teaching that makes more sense is that 6 tribes on each shoulder represents a perfect balance (like the balancing on a scale).
And when this balance is broken, that’s when the Lord expresses his anger and judgement follows.
In Scripture, 12 is the number indicating “government” and 6 is the number for “mankind”.
So another idea is that the High Priest, by being especially chosen to represent Israel in the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur, carries the responsibility of mankind upon his shoulders (thanks for sharing this with me Kathy!).
In January 8th 2017, at around 11:50pm to 12:50am, my spirit was called up to heaven (i heard my name being called), on arriving there, I met Jesus, we said the Lord’s Prayer, and He showed me a room with a setting of a board room. Long story short, before i returned to earth He told me He will send me gifts, and I will know when that happens. Back to earth I was given post box key and I went to open the box and found 5 brown envelopes, A4 size, medium bulky. On the key was number “E39 GOVERNMENT”, and on the envelopes was written “E39”. I was looking for the meaning of this number. I am African from Kenya. What do you think it means?
Ephod 39 Elat. It’s an adventure to the land if Y’israel for you my friend as you open in this life of Jesus Christ shining in you guiding you : you are the light that shines Arise & Shine for the light is Dawning upon you – you were meant to come into contact with this Rabbi Hebrew brother because he had some of the information you needed to know for your journey and this is the chapter you must get into – and the breastplate Stones – these are all precious and semi-precious stones – so we must get to know these stones and have them in our orah in our homes.
Hi Elizabeth. My name is Tess and although you have written this is 2017, I may be able to shed some light on the dream for you. Your dream began where you have been lifted up into heavenly places and Jesus ministers you. In the first place – Your name carried great significance. It means ” The oath of God”. After which the Lord’s prayer is prayed. This prayer asks for His promises to be fulfilled and for His sheep to forgive their enemies. The boardroom signifies a place where important decisions are made and where things are accomplished. You are the focus of the dream. The dream speaks to gifts given to you. After that you are handed a key (that indicates that you will receive the answer to this questions or “box” you are to open. The letter and number A 4 shows the first letter in the alphabet. Indicating a new beginning and the number four indicates God’s creative works (Read Gen 4:11 and Gen 1:20-23) The letter E is higher up and the number 39 = 3 + 9 = 12 Indicates governmental or Apostolic fullness or fulfillment. (Luke 6: 12-13 and Matthews 19:28) Resulting in divine completeness or even restoration of some kind. I am not sure if this have come to pass. But this is in broad the meaning of the dream.
My name is William Gray, I have an event to share with you. Like Elizabeth Kanini I too was carried to a place in heaven, I was met at the river of prayer. It is like a flowing rainbow located just out side the place set up like the Holy of Holy because I ended up standing before the altar of insints just out side the Holy of Holy. There was no separation by the curtain for it no longer was there, but realizing where I was brought great concern because I did not know my purpose there. I returned to the river of prayer which was very beautiful and pleasant to look at. The angel I met there explained to me that it was a river of prayer is how I learned it’s name. He did not speak to me verbally but spoke to me by thoughts. As I approached the area, The angel took his hands and parted the wall and thought to me to come in. He was very pleasant and right away took me to the river of prayer, he instructed me to place my hands together and place them into the river of prayer and when I did I was immediately standing over a woman in Africa who had just lost her child. I was instructed to pray for her, when I was done he instructed me to pull my hands back and I returned to the side of the river of prayer. I spent many hours there repeating the same thing that took me to others I was to pray over time and again. The angel when back to his place and set down recording things happening. I do not remember exactly when I returned home but I continued to have visions all the way up until after three in the evening the next day.
Ezekiel 39(the detailed clean up, after the battle of Ezekiel 38)
In Ezekiel 38:5-6, The Holy Spirit tells us the 5 Nations that will align with Gog in the Evil Effort to Destroy Israel. Please Note that No One Comes to Israel’s aide.
Awesome! awesome! awesome!. God give strength to your people..That awesome river…Ahh what a river!..Its a river of life and light.A river of Vision.Greater than anything of this earth…So awesome…Help your people God be ready!…Serious times…Pray.Study.Speak.Fight.Fight through!
Amen Michael! Thanks for reading! Be blessed and SHALOM!
Simple answer to the rope theory … Leviticus 10:1 Aaron’s sons Nadab and Abihu offered up false fire to the Lord. How did the Lord respond? He consumed them with fire… no rope needed..
Bells are on the robe according to scripture. It is part of the priest’s garment but not the garment he wore on Yom Kippur. Look at 1 Corinthians 12, 13, 14. Chapter 12 and 14 are about the gifts operating I. Our lives and in the church. Those gifts make noise. That represents the bells. Chapter 13 is the love chapter and it is represented by the pomegranates. Pomegranate and a bell and the pattern co to yes. You need the love of Messiah to be present between the noisy bells which are the activity of the gifts of the spirit. You find it in the old and find it in the new and the glory of God will fall!!
There were no ropes on the priests. If there had been, it would be written in Lev and Ex where God listed the garments of the priest.