Today we begin Exodus Chapter 37.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here.
For the King James version, click here.
Okay, finally, at long last, the actual ground-breaking construction of the Tabernacle begins!
We’re given a step-by-step, blow-by-blow and play-by-play account of the building of the Tabernacle beginning with the dwelling structure itself.
What’s peculiar about how the construction was undertaken is that the order was opposite the instructions the Lord gave to Moses.
When the Lord gave Moses the instructions for the Tabernacle, He started with innermost items to the Holy of Holies and then worked His way outward.
However, the actual construction began with the outer portion and worked its way inward.
The final stage would have been furnishing the completed structure.
Now if one were to compare the earlier instructions given to Moses with the account depicted here in Exodus 37, one would notice that some of the details would appear to be missing.
This is not a mistake nor a Biblical contradiction.
The reason some of the details are left out is because in this part of Exodus the emphasis is on the actual implementation of God’s orders.
The stress is on the people actually following through with God’s commands as opposed to the earlier sections where the Lord was handing out the blueprints and thus all the instructions had to be in exacting detail.
In addition, the instructions the Lord gave is indicative of how He approaches mankind- from his Holy dwelling out to the world.
However, we approach G-d from the outside and grow closer to Him step by step.
The tabernacle construction reflects this growth process and our relationship with Him.
Now one may wonder, what’s up with all of the tedious repetition being given to the Tabernacle?
Couldn’t there have been just a few words stating the Tabernacle was built just how the Lord ordered it and that’s it?
The reason for all of the detail is because we are talking about the MOST IMPORTANT AND MOST HOLY ITEM EVER BUILT IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND ON THIS EARTH.
This Sacred Structure has no rival.
It was the Lord’s one and only sanctuary on the planet.
It was one of a kind, and the only suitable replacement would be Solomon’s temple.
The meticulous detail being offered was to show that no stone was left unturned to ensure that the Wilderness Tabernacle was built exactly according to its blueprints.
One spiritual takeaway I feel God placing on my heart today is that as we can see from the construction of the Tabernacle, the Lord cares about details.
And He cares about all the details of your life.
He knows you have to pay the rent next month.
He knows about that knee (or back pain) you are suffering from.
He knows about that unsettling argument you had with your coworker the other day.
He knows about that business deal that went south.
Not one dot or iota of your life escapes the loving eyes of our Father in Heaven.
the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Don’t be afraid;
you are worth more than many sparrows.”
-Luke 12:7
Thank you for your insight. I plan to meditate on these profound revelations. Be blessed!
Happy you found this edifying. Be blessed and SHALOM!