Adonai said to Moshe, “Go down! Hurry! Your people, whom you brought up from the land of Egypt, have become corrupt! So quickly they have turned aside from the way I ordered them to follow! They have cast a metal statue of a calf, worshipped it, sacrificed to it and said, ‘Isra’el! Here is your god, who brought you up from the land of Egypt!’”-Exodus 32:7-8
One question I’ve always wondered about is why in the world did the Israelites feel the need to create any god image at all?
What’s the big attraction of a Golden Calf anyway?
Well, from a psychological perspective (and I’ve done a bit of research on this), human beings have a deep inner need for external, visible or tangible evidence to satisfy their insecurities.
That’s why we run to other people, self-help books, or false idols when we’re feeling anxious and worried about our futures.
It was the Israelites need for visible proof that the Lord was with them that drove them to commit this gross idolatry of building the Golden Calf.
The Lord is well aware we need visible reassurance and evidence that He is indeed working in our lives.
And that’s actually one reason why He provided the Tabernacle.
Keep in mind that the Lord didn’t need the tabernacle and He certainly didn’t need human hands to build it.
The Tabernacle was created entirely for Israel’s sake and reassurance.
It was to be a physical demonstration of certain heavenly principles and be one of the physical signs that He was with Israel.
There is actually an interesting parallel link between the Golden Calf and the Tabernacle.
Both were created to satisfy man’s need for visible proof of God’s presence.
However, the Golden Calf was a sort of anti-Tabernacle and was man’s PERVERSE idea of godliness.
It was the product of man’s best and most sincere religious imaginings and efforts and the Lord judged it to be disgusting and offensive.
On the other hand, the Tabernacle was the God-ordained heavenly model that came in the Lord’s timing, not man’s.
Right here we get a snapshot of the battle humanity has been in practically since the moment creation began.
I’m talking about the struggle between things that are man-ordained versus God-ordained.
We can see this battle between the things of God and the things of man being played out before our eyes in the most dramatic fashion right now.
I suspect that in our lifetimes, we may witness the installation of the anti-Christ as the head of a World Government.
And why will mankind install the anti-Christ?
For the VERY SAME REASON the Israelites created the Golden Calf.
Out of impatience fear, anxiety and the need for visible evidence that something or somebody capable of bringing peace is with them.
Even now the world is crying out for a “Golden Calf” to to save us from all the violence and terror that has gripped the world.
The stage is slowly but surely being set for this chosen wicked one to make his grand entrance onto the world stage.
And unfortunately, I believe a large portion of what we call the church today, that pagan Torah-denying apostate portion of the church is going to unwittingly join hands with the effort of the world (if not lead the way) to install this end-times Golden Calf.
And just as in Moses’ time when God was in the process of readying Israel for a visible display of His true presence via the Tabernacle, He is now in the process of readying the world for another visible display of His true presence in the form of Messiah Yeshua.
But the appearance of Yeshua will be in the Lord’s timing, for no man knows the day or hour of His coming.
Unfortunately, as we’re already told in the Book of Revelations, most of the world and most of what we call the church today is not going to wait for God’s salvation in Yesha.
Just as the Israelites did so long ago when they built the Golden Calf, the world along with the apostate church is going to take matters into their own hands.
And the results are going to be devastating.
I’m a Quaker, but feel like the plutocracy and people that defend it is getting out of hand. Trumpism is devoid of conservatives, now only republicans in make only. Progress, humanity, empathy and reason seem to have been forgotten. Even Theodore Roosevelt founded the progressive party. The golden statue at CPAC, corrupt Roger stone dancing and celebrating to an insurrection song in front of a lifted truck with a Rambo Trump painted on the side, the CPAC stage an odal rune. Nothing of value shown it said. Benjamin Corey, a theologian has pointed out his these people are being misled but this has been getting worse since the 80s. Environmentalism was starting to be demonized then. It’s not good to wish for the apocalypse while you are the force of it.