“Take the garments, and put on Aharon the tunic, the robe for the ritual vest, the vest itself, and the breastplate. Fasten the vest on him with its belt. Put the turban on his head and attach the holy ornament to the turban. Then take the anointing oil, and anoint him by pouring it on his head. Bring his sons; put tunics on them; wrap sashes around them, Aharon and his sons; and put the headgear on their heads. The office of cohen is to be theirs by a permanent regulation. Thus you will consecrate Aharon and his sons.”-Exodus 29:5-9
In my last post, I drew what I believe is a pattern between Moses washing Aaron and his sons and Yeshua washing the feet of His disciples.
The point I wanted to make was that Moses in consecrating Aaron and his sons as the first priesthood of Israel by washing them with water was a shadow and a type of what Yeshua did when He consecrated His disciples as the spiritual order of priests who would serve the spiritual kingdom of God.
Although I’m well aware that some may not agree with this interpretation (which is fine), that lesson brings up an important point which would be good to remind everybody of.
If we are not well-schooled in Torah fundamentals and do not have an understanding of the Tabernacle and the sacrificial system, there is so much profound symbolism that will fly right over your head when you do get to the New Testament.
Take a look at this verse:
“Therefore, putting aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisy and envy and all slander, like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation“-1 Peter 2:1-2
It clearly says that it is by STUDYING THE WORD OF GOD that we grow in respect to our salvation.
Note that it’s NOT saying that reading the Word is what saves us.
But once saved, it is the Word that becomes the source of your growth IN your salvation.
Now there is another point I’ve made before that bears repeating
When Peter says the “pure milk of the word”, understand that he could only have been referring to what is now commonly called the “Old Testament”.
It’s no big secret that the ONLY Word that existed in this era was the “Old Testament”.
The gentile church made a very tragic mistake when they decided to adopt the position that the Old Testament was dead and gone and held no value for believers.
Understand that for Yeshua, the Apostle Paul, John, Peter and others, the Old Testament is what they valued as truth.
The Old Testament obviously wasn’t called the Old Testament during Yeshua’s time, it was called the Scriptures or TANACH in Hebrew.
And it was this TANACH that was considered to be the place to go to in order to find truth and grow in faith and understanding.
Fortunately, due to the return of Israel as a nation of Jews per the promise of God, the Old Testament is now making a comeback as Scripture of critical importance in our day and age.
The rejection of the OT really took off under calvinistic teachings and I guess under Catholic doctrine of hating Jews. These false teachers that they had replaced Israel as the people of God, ignoring the scripture,”I have inscribed you on the palm of my hand and will never forget you”. I no longer see and OT and NT, but a GT {God’s Testament}. The NT is nothing more than an extension of the NT.