Today we begin Exodus chapter 29.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here.
For the King James version, click here.
“Here is what you are to do to consecrate them for ministry to me in the office of priests. Take one young bull and two rams without defect, also matzah, matzah cakes mixed with olive oil, and matzah wafers spread with oil — all made from fine wheat flour; put them together in a basket, and present them in the basket, along with the bull and the two rams.”-Exodus 29:1-3
In Exodus chapter 29, we’re about to witness the consecration of Israel’s first-ever priesthood.
Keep in mind that God is not altering or changing any of the principles He originally established and taught to Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and others.
God-given principles do NOT change, EVER!
“I the LORD do not change.
So you, the descendants of Jacob, are not destroyed.”
-Malachi 3:6
I also remind you that up to this point in time, Israel did NOT have a priesthood.
The spiritual beliefs of the Hebrews at this time consisted primarily of what they had learned and absorbed from the Egyptians and their pagan religious system.
The Lord, with the establishment of the priesthood, is inch-by-inch and step-by-step continuing the process of separating Israel from the rest of the corrupt world.
In this particular case, the “corrupt world” is Egypt.
And He is now doing the same with ALL true believers wherever they may be in the world.
The Lord’s fervent desire is to establish a completely SET-APART people unto Himself, with a completely different religion and nation.
The purpose of becoming a SET-APART nation was to SERVE the Lord.
And this service would be accomplished via the Priesthood with Aaron as the High Priest.
In Hebrew, “High Priest” is COHEN HA-GADOL.
Now what’s important to understand is that the ceremony to consecrate the priesthood being described here is a ONE-TIME happening.
Think of it like the ribbon cutting for a new building or highway opening.
In other words, by design, it’s only supposed to take place once.
Of course, there are some ongoing rituals being established as well.
It’s understanding the difference that separates the astute Bible student from one lacking proper discernment.
I’ve copied the picture of the anointing of a priest to add to my blog post 8/21/18. this is a great message, and I hope my readers will follow the link back to it.
Thanks Jean! I would like to check out your blog later. Be blessed and Shalom!