“You are to order the people of Israel to bring you pure oil of pounded olives for the light, and to keep a lamp burning continually. Aaron and his sons are to put it in the tent of meeting, outside the curtain in front of the testimony, and keep it burning from evening until morning before Adonai. This is to be a permanent regulation through all the generations of the people of Israel.”-Exodus 27:20-21
From verse 20, we are given instructions concerning the fuel for the MENORAH in the Tabernacle.
Only highly refined, the purest olive oil is to be used to keep the seven lamps of the MENORAH burning day and night.
We are also reminded that the MENORAH is to be placed in the Holy Place right outside of the PAROKHET (the curtain that separates the Holy of Holies from the Holy Place).
Aaron, who will become the High Priest, and his sons are to tend to it.
Let me address what is sometimes a common misunderstanding concerning Aaron.
He does NOT represent the entire Tribe of Levi.
Aaron comes from but one of several clans within the Tribe of Levi.
Each clan was selected for different kinds of service and duties within the Tabernacle.
For example, it is ONLY from the line of Aaron’s direct descendants can the High Priest come.
And Aaron’s descendants would also be held responsible for tending to the MENORAH.
Now notice the last verse in chapter 27.
“This is to be a permanent regulation through all the generations of the people of Israel.”
Well, looking back in history, we know that there were at least two times in Israel’s history when the temple was destroyed and this regulation was impossible to keep.
The first time was the Babylonian exile.
The second time was when in 70AD when the Romans destroyed the temple.
However, I believe we are now fast approaching that time when the Temple is going to be rebuilt in Jerusalem and the 7-branched MENORAH is going to be relit.
That’s right.
It matters not that that Muslim mosque, the Dome of the Rock, is currently occupying the Temple Mount.
Somehow in someway the Third Temple is going to be rebuilt.
And the MENORAH is going to burn once again!
When this incredible event happens, believers everywhere rejoice!
Because I believe it means Yeshua’s return is literally right around the corner.
God said , no man will know the hour…when He shall return. The Bible is fulfilling itself. I believe we are living in the last days.
The menorah that has been built was not built according to the instructions given to Moses. And the next temple will probably be done the same way since the Antichrist will be its intended inhabitant. Yeshua is returning to his Holy Temple- His Holy people
the obedient ones having His Faith and Obeying ALL His instructions carefully.
Ellis, Edifying feedback and constructive critiques are appreciated. But I’m starting to get the feeling that you are nitpicking, trying to find any small mistake you can. Please understand that the information on this site has been very well researched.