In my last post I made the point that Gentile believers are under the same covenantal obligations to keep the Sabbath as Israel because they have effectively become ONE with Israel by being grafted into the covenants that God has ONLY made with Israel.
However, some people get the wrong idea and think I’m implying that gentiles suddenly become physical or ethnic Jews after this conversion.
That’s not what I’m saying.
When the Apostle Paul said “they’re be neither Jew nor Gentile in the body of Messiah” he was referring to spiritual status.
Note that Paul also said “there be neither male nor female”.
Is he now saying the world has become unisex?
Obviously not.
Just as the anatomical distinctions between male and female remain (thank God!), so do the physical ethnic distinctions between Jew and Gentile.
Again, think of a foreigner becoming a full-fledged citizen of the United States.
Does a Chinese immigrant suddenly transform into an Anglo-saxon caucasian because he became an American citizen?
Of course not.
That’s why we have German-Americans, Japanese-Americans, African-Americans etcetera.
See, what Yeshua accomplished is that he broke down all distinctions in heaven.
From a spiritual perspective, all distinctions whether of race, sex, nationality, rich or poor, slave or free AND Jew or gentile were done away with.
Once a gentile comes to faith via Yeshua, God sees that person as being bonded, grafted and adopted into the promises He gave to Israel.
what day is the sabbath
because jewish people ,s sabbath is on saturday
The 7th day of the week is the Biblically ordained sabbath. This would basically be Saturday. There is no such thing as a Sunday sabbath.
The Bible says Saturday and no other day –it is not a Jewish Sabbath it is God’s Sabbath just as the feasts in the Bible are God’s feasts not Jewish–God established them they are His. That settles it–
Amen to that!
I agree with Tammy. Well said! The Apostle also taught, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (Ruach), that a true (Romans 2:29) “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”
Key words: “inwardly”, “not in the letter”, “…praise is not of men, but of God.”
I was brought to the truth of keeping the 7th day holy as the Sabbath of the Lord, after decades in what presents itself as ‘Christendom’… especially the Constantinian Counterfeit as visaged in Roman ‘catholicism’ and its pseudo-counterpart, Eastern ‘orthodoxy’. I believe that keeping the commandments (not the ceremonial laws) is the fruit of salvation… not its cause. Keeping the commandmentts (including “love one another, even as I have loved you”) is the fruit of loving Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah.
The attempt to force new wine into an old wineskin, as Our Lord taught, does violence to both. To me, this seems plain, and of grace and peace.
Anyone know how to take Roman’s 14:5-6 then? Paul seems to be demolishing any type of sabbath for the Christian.