In my last post, I pointed out the amazing connection between Noah’s ark and the ark baby Moses was placed in.
I mentioned that it is the same Hebrew word TEVA used to describe both of these arks and how they are both represented as powerful symbols of salvation.
So one question that probably popped up in everybody’s minds is ‘what about the Ark of Covenant?‘
Surely there must also be a connection to this ark, the holiest object on the planet at the time, and Noah’s and Moses’ ark.
Well, as exciting as it is to entertain the idea that there just might be a connection, I have to let you know that the Hebrew word is different.
The Hebrew word for ark in the Ark of the Covenant is ARON.
This word means “chest” as in a treasure chest.
And true to its standard dictionary definition, it refers to a container where something of immense value is stored.
This usage is pretty consistent throughout the whole Scripture.
However, there is ONE interesting exception.
After Joseph died, his embalmed body was placed in an ARON.
So this is the only one time in all of the Scriptures where ARON is used to mean a “coffin“.
Now this really makes me wonder if there is some kind of symbolic spiritual meaning that the Lord is trying to communicate to us here?
Remember the Ark of the Covenant was where the original stone tablets written on by the finger of God were placed.
One possible connection I heard from another Torah teacher is in the Book of Revelations.
Just as the Ark of the Covenant is rediscovered and placed inside the new temple, all of a sudden the tribe of Joseph appears!
Could there be some mysterious connection between these two events because Joseph’s coffin and the Ark of the Covenant are both called ARON in Hebrew?
Hello , I do believe this is a fantastic website.
I stumbled upon it on Yahoo , I shall return once again.
Yes Lance. Please return again. Shalom.
Please can I have the continues of this?
This is amazing! I love following your teachings. It provides great info and an insightful background.
I recently heard a teaching that Joseph’ life was a prophecy of the coming of Christ. If you are unfamiliar with this I’ll have to go back and listen again to refresh my memory on all the pointers. With that being said could there be any additional correlation of Joseph, with Christ and the “Aron” , Ark? What Is the significance of the Ark of the covenant? From what I remember it’s a representation of the mercy seat and stores the 10 commandments?
Thank you,
Thanks for your positive feedback Noel! It’s encouraging comments like this that keep me going. Yes! In many, many ways Joseph’s life foreshadows Yeshua. For instance, he was betrayed by his own brothers but later reconciled to them. In terms of any possible additional correlation between Joseph, Yeshua and the “Aron”, I’m sorry but I believe this is a mystery to be revealed at a later point in time. We’ll just have to wait and see.
And the significance of the Ark of the Covenant? Yes, it stored the 10 Commandments, Moses’ staff, and also contained a jar of manna. It was the holiest object on earth when it was active and Scripture tells us it shall be discovered again. Thanks for reading. Be blessed!
Where does it say in scripture that it will be discovered again? Thanks.
no connection. two different weeks.
Ark of the covenant is the end event of the ark of the covenant week. It is the second week that god works and completes. It begins with god in a bush, burning bush. the middle of the week is the passover. The week ends with the ark of the covenant. God in a box. The theme of the week is God is holy. The father is the one who works the week.
The ark should be compared to the passover if anything.
The ark is the middle of the week event for the Immanuel week. It is the 4th week that God completes in the Son.
It begins with the 1st adam. The middle of the week is the ark, the flood, the sacrifice. The week ends with the birth of Jesus, the 2nd Adam. the theme of the week is god is with us.
The ark should be compared to the passover. They are both middle of the week events.
since you mentioned joseph, to best understand joseph in terms of weeks, one has to go to the sold into slavery.
This is actually a very good way of looking at a week. the problem is this is a week that Israel has to complete. israel’s weeks do not have 8th days. All of God weeks have a 8th day and are a 100 count or rather 50 to 50. We have been given that last thousands of years the ability to see only the second half. Now, to explain how to look at the first half would take a lot of writing.
Anyways . . . the joseph week or the eldest week begins with a
Robe or coat of many colors . . . there are lots of various visuals . . blood etc etc etc.
Now, he loses the coat a second time. this is actually one way of looking at the middle of the week. A better way of seeing the middle is the baker who dies. The baker provides the sacrifice. The eldest gets off without having to die, but he has to spend some time in prison or the metaphor . . . the tomb.
The week ends with joseph under pharoah and of course, a new coat.
This fulfills the curse of joshua 6:26 a second time for the eldest. This is a metaphorical fulfillment, but the week is very real and is the firstt week that Israel completes.
So . . .
ark (flood) to the passover to the death of the baker . . . there you have middle of the week events.