Why do we buy new and updated models of computers and cars?
The reason is simple.
It is because our advances in knowledge and technology enable us to create things that are better, MORE useful, and MORE complete.
All one has to do is look at the evolution of the telephone to know this is true.
The dial tone landline phones of the 1970’s are nothing compared to the state-of-the-art smart phones we use today.
A smart phone today is pretty much the equivalent of having a fully functioning computer in the palm of your hand.
I think we have a tendency to look at and compare God’s covenants in the same way we would judge the oldest and latest models of computers and cars.
We look at the Mosaic Covenant as a primitive, low-tech covenant and the New Covenant in Yeshua as a more advanced, modern generation covenant with superior functions and capabilities.
However, this is man’s way of thinking.
It is NOT God’s way.
Metaphorically speaking, the Abrahamic Covenant is NOT the equivalent of Alexander Bell’s first telephone.
Accordingly, the Mosaic Covenant is NOT the equivalent of the landline dial tone models that were prevalent for many, many years.
And the Covenant of Christ is NOT the equivalent of an I-phone 6 (or an I-phone 7, I don’t even know what the latest model is anymore).
Each and every one of these covenants were created perfect and remain perfect for the purposes they were created.
Now some of you may retort with Hebrews 8:13 where Paul says “By calling this covenant “new,” he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.”
So what does Paul mean here when he says the first covenant has been made “obsolete” or “aging” (depending on the translation)?
What he means is that as time goes on, more of the requirements of each covenant become closer to reaching their complete fulfillment.
To put it simply, the older the covenant, the more of its requirements will have already been fulfilled.
Or to put it another way, the older the covenant, the fewer of its requirements are left to BE fulfilled.
For example, one requirement or term of the Abrahamic Covenant was that Israel was promised a land of their own.
We now know that this requirement has been fulfilled.
Another requirement of the Abrahamic Covenant was that Abraham’s descendants would be a blessing to the gentile nations.
This has indeed happened via the arrival of the Messiah.
And while one purpose of the Mosaic Covenant was fulfilled via Yeshua’s sacrifice on the cross, the purpose of the Law in showing men what God’s principles, characteristics, patterns and morals are remains and will remain at least until the Millennial Kingdom.
The purpose of the Law in teaching men what pleases and displeases God STILL REMAINS!
Even the latest New Testament covenant has some conditions whose boxes we can now check off.
For instance, the following two conditions have already been fulfilled:
-the promised son of the King of David has come
-He (Messiah Yeshua) has already paid the final sacrifice for sin.
Now let me ask you this, since these two primary New Testament covenant conditions have been fulfilled, do we now throw the New Testament in the trash, like so many gentiles have done with the Old Testament?
Is the New Testament covenant now obsolete because it is 2000 years old and some of its requirements have already been fulfilled?
Of course, the answer is no.
The New Testament covenant may have some parts of it fulfilled, but there are still many pending elements left, such as the following:
-Yeshua’s second coming
-God’s judgment during Armageddon
-the salvation of all Israel (oh I am soooo waiting for this!)
-the setting up the Millennial Kingdom.
Now here’s the 20 billion dollar point of this post.
The Abrahamic Covenant is the furthest along the path of having all of its requirements fulfilled, BUT it is still a covenant in progress.
And while many of the terms of the Mosaic Covenant have already been fulfilled, it too still has many elements left that have yet to be fulfilled.
So the Mosaic Covenant is also still a covenant in progress.
Yeshua Himself said that not one jot or tittle would be overlooked.
I once heard a good analogy showing how the building of a house is similar to how God’s covenants work.
When you build a house, the first and most important step is laying the bottom foundation.
After preparing the ground, you pour in the cement to create a rock solid slab that the rest of the entire house will rest upon.
Now let me ask you this?
Once the work of creating the slab has been completed or fulfilled, does it make the slab obsolete or no longer valid?
Of course not.
The very existence of the house is dependent on that firm foundation.
If you get rid of the slab, there is no way to build the house.
God’s covenants work the same way.
They are all needed and they are all still in effect.
Some covenants are just closer to having all of its requirements met than the others.
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets;
I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”
-Matthew 5:17
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