In my last post, I presented quotes from the two Roman edicts responsible for removing the true Biblical Sabbath from the original Jewish Christian church.
And before that I adamantly asserted that nowhere in the Bible does it say that God did away with the command of the Sabbath.
Well, it seems like there is another great religious institution that meets me eye to eye on this point.
And that institution is the official Catholic Church.
Let’s see what they have to say concerning Sunday instead of Sabbath (Saturday) worship by going to their official publications.
The following quotes written about 100 years ago come directly from the official publication of the Catholic Press.
Brace yourselves, because these excerpts are quite damning of any attempt to justify the idea that in the New Testament era, believers can make the Sabbath day any day they want.
Here goes.
“Sunday is a Catholic institution, and its claim to observance can be defended only on Catholic principles….From beginning to end of Scripture there is not a single passage that warrants the transfer of weekly public worship from the last day of the week (Saturday) to the first (Sunday)”.
“Protestantism, in discarding the authority of the Roman Catholic Church, has no good reason for its Sunday theory, and ought to logically keep Saturday as the Sabbath”.
I’m sure most folks reading this are aware that the Catholic church is a Christian organization.
So when they say “there is not a single passage” that justifies changing the Sabbath, understand that this includes the New Testament as well.
For those who would willy-nilly try to use Paul’s writings to fallaciously prove we can make the Sabbath any day we want, think hard on that point.
I hope the implications of what I just quoted to you are hitting home.
The Catholic Church, the very institution that established Sunday as the day of communal worship for Christians, says outright that there is NOT a single verse anywhere in Scripture, either the OT or the NT that would allow the God-ordained 7th day Sabbath (Saturday) to be replaced by the 1st day (Sunday) of the week.
And you know what, I 100% agree with them.
Every word of the above quote is factually true in every sense.
Which leads us to our next point.
Not only does the Catholic Church openly admit there is zero Scriptural basis for changing the Sabbath, they are also blatantly forthright in their assertion that “we are the ones who changed the Sabbath”.
What the heck?!
Are they now admitting they are demons from the very pit of hell itself?
I mean if, as they admit, there is ZERO Scriptural basis for changing the Sabbath, what grounds do they have for substituting the Scriptural Sabbath with the 1st day of the week worship?
The answer may surprise you.
The Catholics view Constantine as a Pope.
See, while the Catholic Church is well aware that there is no scriptural authority to abolish or move the Sabbath to Sunday, they believe the Pope has been given authority from God to make such changes OUTSIDE of Scripture.
So in their eyes, replacing the Sabbath with Sunday and calling it the Lord’s Day is all fine and dandy.
What I find really confusing is that Protestants vehemently deny the authority of the Pope to alter Scriptural commands.
Then, on what grounds can Protestants logically assert that it’s okay to change the Sabbath from the 7th day of the week to the 1st day of the week?
The answer is zero grounds.
I leave you with a final quote from the Catholic Press and as you read it, understand that the question being placed before you is this: “Are you going to follow the traditions of men (which is what Paul was referring to by the way in Colossians 2:16-17) or the plain Scriptural truth?”
“It is well to remind the Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, and all other Christians that the Bible does not support them anywhere in their observance of Sunday. Sunday is an institution of the Roman Catholic Church, and those who observe that day observe a commandment of the Roman Catholic Church.”
I find this article fascinating. Not because it is correct, but because it is a non factor. In a world of heroin addiction, terrorism, poverty, and sinful behavior, this is the type of in-fighting you choose to waste your time writing? Ask yourself, how does this rant (and that’s all it is) aid the Great Commission? Simply put, it doesn’t. This does not win souls to Christ nor does it change the opinion of any Catholic on Earth. I will genuinely pray for God to convict you with a change of focus.
The Sabbath was established at the creation of the universe. The Lord reminds His people countless times in the Scriptures to keep the Sabbath. The Sabbath is so important that breaking it warranted the death penalty in ancient Israel. Only adultery and murder are the other two commandments that warrant the death penalty. Keeping the Sabbath is one of the 10 Commandments which has been a pillar of the Gentile church since its inception. Yeshua and His disciples kept the Shabbat. And you’re going to tell me that this is a trivial “non factor”?! Forgive me if I beg to differ. And also, this is just one topic out of the hundreds of articles I’ve written on this blog. I’m not beating anybody over the head with this. Keep in mind that the information I shared in this post is NOT my opinion but the exact position the Catholic Church affirms. Shalom.
Sabbath was created for MAN,those of the dust or earth!If you understand what this means,and those of this world do not understand yet,then you would know this term in this contects are referring to those who are like Adam,of the dust!The rest of us are like YESHUA,FROM HEAVEN,NOT OF DUST and we know and live rest everyday of the week because we have received his testimony that his burden is light and therefore we rest in the work he did!Those like Adam testify to Saturday Sabbath as though their works of keeping it on the right day justify them when in reality the boasting about keeping it on the right day is actually proof you were indeed working and therefore not at REST!
Shannon, Thanks for reading. When Yeshua said “Sabbath was created for man”, I believe He meant that it was a gift from the Creator to His creation because He knew that our souls and bodies would need a sacred time to rest and rejuvenate. We are to delight in the Shabbat. It is NOT a work. We are NOT “justified” by keeping the Shabbat. Keep in mind that the Shabbat is a pre-sin institution. It was established at the creation of the universe BEFORE sin ever came into being. When we keep the Shabbat, we are harmonizing our very souls, minds, and bodies with the rhythm of the universe, resulting in deep peace and inner fulfillment. Shalom.
I’m not debating the Ten Commandments or the validity of the sabbath. I’m debating the validity of the importance of the argument and the acute attack on the Catholic Church. The commandments also call us to deny our idols. Legalism and biblical law can become an idol just as wordliness, alcohol, and gambling. Anything that causes us to lose focus from the Great Commission and become engrossed in the minutiae of the text is as much Satan’s delight as out right sinfulness. I’m not asking that you halt blogging on your insights,but that when you do so, you do it in the love. My husband is catholic and I am not. We have spirited debates almost daily. We don’t always agree on the methodology of Catholocism. However, I see no reason to condemn his beliefs. That’s God’s job. His belief in God is deep and his daily walk is consistent and faithful.
The issues of our (yours and mine) lack of agreement also lies in a division of beliefs and temperament. I have found peace, love, and connection with God by freeing myself of legalism and embracing those that struggle in life. I believe you and I find our connection in different ways. Respectfully, Peace be with you.
This is not an attack or a condemnation of anybody. More of a spirited defense from those who would attack and accuse us of “legalism” or making an “idol out of God’s Holy Commandments”. I guess we’re going to have to agree to disagree on “the validity of the importance of the argument”. I and many others (and according to the Scriptures, God Himself) feels its very important. You keep touting the “Great Commission”. I sometimes wonder how great a commission that denies the importance of God’s commandments can really be? Having said that, all points received, well taken. Thank you for reading and Shalom.
The Resurrection occurred on the first day of the week which is commonly called Sunday. The Church was established on the first day of the week called Pentecost. I see no problem with worshipping on the weekly Resurrection Day or the weekly Church Beginning Day. (Leviticus 23:9-14; Matthew 28:1-6, Mark 16:1-6, Luke24:1-7, John 20:1-17; Acts 2.)
You’re right. There’s no problem with worshiping on a Sunday. Or a Tuesday, Wednesday or any other day of the week for that matter. We should worship God every day of the week. However, rest assured that Sunday is NOT the God-ordained 7th day Sabbath mentioned as one of the 10 Commandments.
Saturday within Hebrew is “Yom Shabbath (יוׄם שַׁבָּת)” which comes from “Yom (יוׄם)” which means “day” and “Shabbath (שַׁבָּת)” which intensifies “Shabath (שַׁבַת)” which means “cease”. Thus, Saturday is the day of the Shabbath (read the 4th commandment). Constantine moved the Shabbath to Sunday.
Adventists guard Shabbath from the evening of Friday to the evening of Saturday after labouring in 6 days.