“Bear in mind that the Lord has given you the Sabbath; that is why on the sixth day he gives you bread for two days. Everyone is to stay where they are on the seventh day; no one is to go out. So the people rested on the seventh day.“-Exodus 16:29-30
If one was to pinpoint an exact date when the Gentile Christian church started, I would have to go with 321AD.
This was the day when Constantine ordered and enacted the very first “Sunday Law” during his 2nd meeting with the council of Church Bishops in Nicea.
The following is a direct quote from that edict:
“On the Venerable Day of the Sun (the sacred day of the Sun-god, Sunday) let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain-sowing or for vine-planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost….. given the 7th day of March, 321, Crispus and Constantine being consuls each of them for the second time.”
This blasphemous law was a direct attack on the true Biblical Sabbath.
Once this Law came into effect, the original Jewish Christian church was effectively abolished to be replaced by the Gentile Christian church.
By the way, the fact that this happened is no big secret.
The above quote as well as other ancient documents I’ll be sharing can be freely accessed at any local library or easily pulled off the internet.
16 years later, a second anti-Scriptural edict was established from another of these Roman Church councils named the Council of Laodicea.
Here is a direct quote from that edict:
“Christians shall not Judaize and be idle on Sabbato (the Sabbath), but shall work on that day; but the Lord’s Day (Sunday) they shall especially honor and, as being Christians, shall, if possible, do no work that day. If however they are found Judaizing they shall be excommunicated.”
“Thou shall NOT Judaize”?!
Man, that’s about as anti-Semitic as one can get.
“Thou shall NOT Judaize” in this context basically meant to completely shun all Jewish traditions.
Thus, in one fell swoop, the Biblical feasts, honoring the Sabbath and other SCRIPTURAL-based commands were thrown in the trash.
If the Jews do it, we don’t.
This principle established in the 4th century is now firmly entrenched in the modern Gentile church.
If in their worship practices, the Christians did anything even remotely resembling Jewish religious traditions, they were accused of “Judaizing” and excommunicated.
One may wonder, in light of this information which is freely available to all, why oh why, does the Gentile church persist in their pagan traditions that have no basis in Scripture whatsoever?
One reason is just pure ignorance, period.
In all my Gentile church-going years, I had never been (obviously) taught the information I just shared.
I have spoken with many who have since left Constantinian Christian churches and they have told me that they were just infuriated when they found out they had been lied to about what really happened concerning God’s holy Sabbath command.
Fortunately, ignorance is a problem that can be rectified.
I pray this site is playing a small part in educating those who do not know any better.
And of course, there are other sites and learning resources much, much better than my blog that one can access.
In this day and age of the internet, there is no longer any excuse for ignorance.
A second reason is loving our traditions and preferring our doctrines over what the Scriptures tell us.
I mean one has to really undergo herculean feats of theological gymnastics and allegorize like hell in order to twist what the Bible plainly says about the Sabbath.
No doubt there are plenty of verses in the Bible that are ambiguous and difficult to understand.
But the passages on the Sabbath are not one of them.
Well written and taught in a loving manner. I too once was a “Sun-Day” Keeper… It was out of ignorance… Once I discovered the truth, I then began to pray for 2 things to happen.
1. Allow me to find work where I can honor the Sabbath.
2. Allow me to find like-minded persons to fellowship with.
He answered and now we have a home congregation where we fellowship and I am their teaching pastor. And we have an international ministry.
Knowing the truth and communicating it in love is how we will bring our brothers and sisters out of this cursed Sunday Sabbath lie.
We can’t beat it into them. We need to lovingly guide them.
Hi Larry, Thank you so much for your comment. Positive feedback like this keeps me going. By the way, I checked out your evangelist homepage. It looks like you’re doing great things for the Lord. Let’s keep in touch! Shalom. -Rich
I have to agree. I was not taught any of this. I am happily now attending a Messianic synagogue on Saturdays and my regular church on Sundays. /many of us are of the mind of searching for the truth. Many have gone to Israel. I am hoping to go in November 2022. With our first Rosh Hashanah service coming up, I hope to help gently steer everyone to God’s Holy Commandments. The dinner I am making is going to be Kosher. I love how you reach me on so many levels and help me open my eyes to how God really wants us to live. Thank you!