“On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.”-Exodus 12:12
It was the Lord Himself who struck down the firstborn.
He didn’t send some angel or mercenary to do His Work for Him.
The Scripture makes it clear that it was God Himself who went down into Egypt and with His heavy hand of judgement laid waste to the firstborn.
I’ve heard a lot of criticism directed towards Israel’s invasion of the Promised Land and how God commanded that every non-Hebrew man, woman and child be exterminated.
However, let’s not forget that a similar thing occurred here.
Just imagine the scene.
Members from every age group of the Egyptian population were killed.
The elderly.
There was not one home that did not have a dead person in it.
Even the firstborn of the animals were targeted.
As a result, hundreds of thousands of livestock lay dead in the fields.
The Almighty Creator of the universe, without apology or hesitation, had executed terrible judgement on Egypt.
There are some very important truths we can take away from studying this incident.
First, although the Lord had specifically targeted Pharaoh by killing the firstborn heir to the throne of Egypt, ALL of those who decided to side with Pharaoh also suffered the same fate.
Can you see how there is no neutral ground here?
You’re either with the God of Israel or you’re not.
In this life, I urge you while you still have the breath of life in you to choose this day whom you will serve.
Because if this event is a prototype or pattern of how God’s judgement upon mankind is going to unfold in the future, once the judgement begins, it may be too late.
Second, and perhaps the most important point, those who were spared from God’s judgement depended on the blood of the Lamb.
Although, the Scripture doesn’t explicitly mention it, any Egyptian household who made a decision to join Israel and applied the blood of the Passover Lamb to their doorposts would also have been spared this terrible judgement of God.
The opposite is also true.
Let’s say there had been an Israelite family or two that decided to NOT pay careful attention to God’s instructions concerning the Passover Lamb.
Maybe they were tired that night or decided it just wasn’t a big deal.
Maybe they assumed “Well, we’re Israelites. There’s no way God is going to hurt us.”
Unfortunately, they too would have suffered the same fate as the Egyptians if due to either their carelessness or stubbornness they had not applied the blood of the lamb to the door of their households.
The saving blood of the lamb would have applied equally to everyone in Egypt regardless of whether one was a Hebrew or not.
Finally, I can’t help closing with this thought.
If you were an Egyptian and you wanted to escape God’s terrible judgement that night, you had no choice but to go to Israel to find the way of salvation.
There was only one group of people in all of Egypt (and remember Egypt symbolically represents the world in Scripture) where you could go to in order to get saved.
There was no other nation or religion or wise sage or philosopher you could turn to.
You couldn’t go to India, Japan, China, Saudi Arabia or wherever to find the path to salvation.
You won’t be able to find the way to salvation via countless hours of Buddhist meditation, reading 20 million self-help books (speaking to myself here), lifting weights and taking vitamins everyday or saving up tons and tons of money.
As it was in days past, so it is today.
Salvation has always been and still is from the Jews.
Believe in the Messiah of Israel today.
His Name is Yeshua.
By applying Yeshua’s blood to the doorway of your heart, you graft yourself into the covenants that God has ONLY made with Israel and ensure that when judgement strikes mankind as it did in Egypt so long ago, you will be passed over.
You will NOT be condemned.
You Samaritans worship what you do not know;
we worship what we do know,
for salvation is from the Jews.
-John 4:22
“He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world
in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained.
He has given assurance of this to all
by raising Him from the dead.”
-Acts 17:31
“Here I am!
I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come in and eat with that person,
and they with me.”
-Revelations 3:20
It has been just week that I have come to the knowledge of the truth. I have not attended Sunday church in some years and do not plan to return After reading Jeremiah 10: 2-4……I began to question what other lies I had learned. I didn’t know I was not celebrating the Savior’s birth . I have not acknowledged Halloween for many years. I had read it about its origins in 80’s. Now I have learned about Sun-Day being “mark”, I didn’t know this, but stopped Sunday church because of feeling troubled or conflicted…….not knowing why. I have been seeking God for truth for years. It is in Private study He gave me understanding of true Sabbath…just recently. If our country is destroyed before I can learn everything will I be cast into Hell? I need to have help as I do not understand a lot yet, but have repented, and want to worship and serve Yeshua as my Savior and Redeemer. Will he know I have been so deceived but yet now have a changed heart, even though I don’t know how as yet to celebrate the feast days in truth? What can I believe in my Bible? Is there a Torah in English with Bible that has Truth in it? Please help. This question is for leader to this site
Shalom Susan,
Thank you for your honest sharing.
First, in your comment you mentioned that you ” have repented,
and want to worship and serve Yeshua as my Savior and Redeemer”.
If this is truly the case, then rest assured you don’t have to
worry about being cast into hell.
God knows your heart and appreciates your sincerity.
The Scripture promises:
“I love those who love me,
And those who seek me diligently
-Proverbs 8:17
So after carefully reading your comment, it seems to me like
your heart is in the right place. You are honestly seeking to
know God and His will for your life.
Also recall what Yeshua told the Samaritan woman at the well:
“But the time is coming — indeed, it’s here now —
when the true worshippers will worship the Father
in spirit and in truth, for these are the kind of people
the Father wants worshipping him. God is spirit;
and worshippers must worship Him in spirit and in truth.”
Notice Yeshua says “true worshippers will worship in spirit
and in truth”.
A big misconception is that the “church” is a building where people
gather to worship. This is wrong and sadly over time, the church
has lost its true meaning. The church is Believers. Period. If you
are a believer, you are the church. I am the church. It has
nothing to do with buildings and man-ordained denominational
Having said that, I believe fellowship and prayer with other believers
is important. Maybe you can get on the internet and find a Messianic
congregation in your area. If not, maybe you can find some likeminded
friends whom you can fellowship with on a regular basis.
I would pray about this. Ask God. Let Him know that you are
sincere and want to walk in His ways in truth. For sure, He will
help you.
Daily time in the Word is also important. I would highly recommend
http://www.torahclass.com in addition to my blog.
You asked ” Is there a Torah in English with Bible that has Truth in it?”
I think any solid English Bible translation will do whether it is King James,
American Standard or NIV. I personally read the Complete Jewish
I’m not of that school where I believe that one translation is far
superior to any other. I think one where the English is clear and easy
to understand for you is the best one.
The important thing is to ask God to open your heart and mind to
a solid understanding of His Word. Again, the torah class site I recommended
above is solid. One of the best learning sites I’ve ever come across,
especially for those who are new to torah.
I hope this helps and will be in prayer for you.