One of the important things I want you to understand is that during Abraham’s time, the world was anything but primitive.
It was not populated by cavemen who ate raw meat and lived like wild animals.
The people during Abraham’s time were smart, forward thinking and constantly searching for ways to elevate the quality of their lives through technological innovation.
There were literally hundreds of sub-cultures and language was very well developed.
During this time in Mesopotamia, the primary writing media was clay tablets upon which cuneiform was carved.
And at next to the Nile River, the Egyptians were writing their hieroglyphics on papyrus and reed stylus’.
In fact, writing was such a widespread activity in Egypt that huge libraries were constructed to house the vast amount of records that were created.
The world was also quite interconnected at this time.
There were trade routes that connected the Mid East to the Far East all the way to India and possibly even as far as China.
My point is…
…that just as it is today, major regions of the world were NOT unknown to each other.
Trade was a vibrant and ongoing activity and the use of both bronze and iron was quite common.
In addition, the planning and construction of incredible architectural achievements was also in full swing as demonstrated by the many pyramids that dotted Egypt.
To that point, also during Abraham’s time, the following strange structure that baffles scientists to this day was built.
Do you know what it is?
It is called Stonehenge.
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