The last time we met, we left off with the 12 billion dollar question of…
…was the mountain where Moses encountered the Lord through the Burning Bush…
…the exact same mountain where Moses was to bring the Israelites after he had rescued them from Egypt?
The answer is yes.
Exodus 3:12 clearly tells us so.
And God said, “I will be with you. And this will be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God on this mountain.”-Exodus 3:12
Hence, this leads us to the conclusion that Mount Sinai is NOT located on the Sinai Peninsula.
Instead, contrary to what most folks believe, it’s located on the Arabian Peninsula.
And guess what?
The Apostle Paul even says so.
Check out Galatians 4:25:
“Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children.”-Galatians 4:25
Now for God’s sakes don’t get sidetracked by Paul’s reference to Hagar here.
He’s just using the word “Hagar”, who was Ishmael’s mother, as an illustration.
The information pertinent to our discussion is what he says concerning the location of Mount Sinai…
…which also goes by the name “Mount Horeb”…
…which also goes by the name “the Mountain of God”.
The point is…
…Paul says that Mount Sinai is located in Arabia which is where Midian is.
Got it homies?
And you know who else says Mount Sinai is located in Arabia?
BOTH the great Jewish philosopher Philo and the great historian Josephus make it clear that Mount Sinai is located in the Arabian Peninsula.
Well, all of this leads us to another 12 billion dollar question.
If the mountain where the Israelites received the Mosaic Law was in Arabia, why in the world do so many modern day Bible believers journey to a monastery situated at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula because they believe that’s where Moses received the commands from God?
And why do most textbooks today mistakenly show the route of the Exodus as going through that that specific area?
We’ll deal with this question the next time we meet.
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