The last time we met, we discussed how the Lord got Moses’ attention via the burning bush and informed him he was going to be the chosen one to free the Hebrews from their slavery in Egypt.
However, it wasn’t just Moses who received a mission from the Almighty at this time.
The Lord had also paid a divine visit to Moses’ older brother Aaron and informed him he was to accompany Moses to Egypt and that later he would become the first High Priest of Israel.
Prior to Moses’ arrival, Aaron was actually the one who convinced the tribal elders that Moses was indeed a man sent from God.
Soon after, Moses and Aaron take the Lord’s message to Pharaoh.
And how did Pharaoh respond?
His retaliation was brutal.
Pharaoh increased the already backbreaking workload of the Hebrews causing the tribal elders and people to blame Moses for their much worsened labor conditions.
Not knowing what to do, Moses ran to God for help.
And it’s at this point the Lord reveals something often overlooked.
God tells Moses (and this is a paraphrase):
“I showed myself to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but I did not make myself known to them by my name YHVH. Tell the Hebrews: I am YHVH, I will rescue you from slavery in Egypt…and I will take you to be My people, and I will be your God whom you will worship“.
Do you understand just how momentous this revelation was?
This promise to Moses and the Israelites signaled the start of a new beginning.
God was telling Israel in no uncertain terms that they would be His own special treasure on the earth distinct from any other people group on the planet.
We can also gather from this that God wants to be known by His personal name AND…
…that He will turn against the nation who harms His people and fight for them.
This indeed marked the true beginning of Israel’s history as a nation folks.
I can not question the authority of God ,but I do find he is too biased towards the Israelite who does not even believe His plan of salvation.
He answered, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel.”-Matthew 15:24