In my last post, I talked about how after Joseph died, Israel’s time in Egypt was prophetic of what would happen in Nazi Germany.
How this exactly happened is an interesting lesson in history.
As I’ve mentioned many times before, while Joseph was in power, the Pharaoh and the ruling class in Egypt at this time were NOT native Egyptians.
They were actually Semites (sons of Shem) who hundreds of years earlier had invaded the nation and took over.
The native Egyptians detested their Semitic overlords and they made many attempts to overthrow the existing foreign regime.
They didn’t succeed until an Egyptian general hailing from Thebes (or modern-day Luxor) launched an attack around 1600 BC and finally toppled the hated non-Egyptian Pharaoh.
Obviously the new Pharaoh who came into power felt zero obligation to honor Joseph’s 200-year old promises towards the Israelites.
It is from this point forward that Egyptian society began to eerily resemble what took place in Nazi Germany.
The new Pharaoh was determined to rebuild what had become a broken nation and install a strong central government that would never ever again be conquered by foreigners.
A series of changes were made literally overnight that spelled disaster for the Israelites.
Just as in Nazi Germany, the Israelites were blamed for Egypt’s problems and were considered a threat to the well-being of the nation.
Blaming and then persecuting the Jews for a nation’s ills is is a pattern we’ll unfortunately see repeat itself over and over again throughout history.
The first step the new Egyptian Pharaoh took was to outlaw private ownership of property.
He set down a law that he alone would would be the sole owner of all property in Egypt.
The only exception was that the temples of the gods would own 20% of the land for their worship activities but the rest would belong to Pharaoh.
Since private land ownership was the basis for wealth, this act reduced the Hebrews to mere peasants who were forced to work the land as serfs.
Egypt had become highly xenophobic.
Motivated by terrible memories of being conquered and controlled by foreigners, they were determined to protect their borders no matter what.
Egypt re-built her armies and the Israelites were forced to become slaves for Egypt’s imperial ambitions.
The plan worked.
The new Egyptian army combined with the slave labor of the Hebrews enabled Egypt to become a major player on the world stage.
But it came at the expense of much suffering for the Israelites living in Egypt.
They were without hope and were forced to do back-breaking labor every day.
Yet, in spite of the harsh conditions, the Israelites continued to grow in numbers.
This so alarmed Pharaoh that he immediately took to implementing an ancient form of birth control.
He issued a decree that all male Hebrew boys should be immediately aborted upon birth to stop the growth of a people he perceived as a threat to the power of his throne.
The connection between Pharoah and Hitler has glaring incongruencies…namely, COMMUNISM was supported heavily by liberal unbelieving Talmudic Rabbies in Germany and Europe, in spite of their murder of 60,000,000 of their own innocent people. This fact is conveniently hidden by the liberal press and other Neo-Aparatchiks, but why is the outcry over Nazis 10 times more prevslent than the outcry over communism, when communism, in its infancy, had killed 10 times more people…BEFORE Hitler was even elected to fight Communisim! Truth matters.