Yesterday’s post concluded with Joseph becoming the most powerful ruler in all of Egypt second only to Pharaoh.
However, back in the land of Canaan where Joseph’s father Jacob and his clan were still living, things were far from ideal.
A famine had struck the land and Jacob’s tribe were down to their very last food supplies.
But during this time news had arrived from Egypt that due to the shrewd management of a foreigner who had special prophetic abilities (Joseph), there was an abundance of grain supplies in that land.
Although quite reluctant to do so, Jacob decided to send his sons off to Egypt to buy food.
Why was this such a difficult decision for Jacob?
Well, think about it for a second.
Jacob had lost his most precious and favored son Joseph and he was worried he might lose more of his sons if he sent them off to some foreign land where they could be attacked during the journey or possibly enslaved by the Egyptians once they arrived in Egypt.
In addition, it was common knowledge that the poorest in Egyptian society were selling themselves into servitude in order to provide food for their families.
So Jacob’s fears weren’t exactly unfounded.
The truth is the foreign Pharaoh (remember an Egyptian Pharaoh was NOT in power at this time) was using the famine and Joseph’s God-given prophetic power to satisfy his greedy ambitions and rebuild a slave force that would probably be in debt to him for the rest of their lives.
But and this is a huge whopping “but” the Lord was turning this lemon into lemonade for Israel.
And that’s the huge takeaway here folks.
Even if there’s a global crisis just like this pandemic we’re now experiencing, for those who belong to the Lord, we have nothing to fear.
For God has got our back and will work out all things for the good in ways we can’t even imagine at the moment.
I love this study. I have been journaling the same things over the last month and when I found your site, I was elated of the confirmation. Thank you
Glad you enjoyed this Sharon. Be blessed and Shalom!!!