We just got done talking about how the Lord informed Abraham that…
…the one through whom He would carry out His covenant promises would be the yet unborn Isaac and NOT Ishmael.
This was a hard decision for Abraham to accept because he loved Ishmael and over a period of many years he had built up expectations that it would be Ishmael who would be the inheritor of the promises.
Nevertheless, at the end of the day, Abraham trusted the Lord and accepted His sovereign decision on the matter.
In response to Abraham’s trust, we’re told that God responded as follows:
“Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness”.
And that right there folks is God’s formula for personal salvation.
That’s right.
A good 700 years before Moses received the Law at Sinai…
…and a good 2000 years before Yeshua was crucified, in the book of Genesis, the Lord revealed the only true path to a right relationship with Him…
…and it had nothing to do with works!
The only way to be in good standing with the Lord is to trust in Him.
I’m done.