We are indeed living in amazing times.
And no, I’m not talking about the dreaded Corona virus that has seized the world’s attention at the moment (I’m writing this on a Sunday, March 29th, 2020).
I’m talking about the fact that we are the generation who has been given the privilege to witness the literal fulfillment of Biblical prophecies foretold thousands of years ago.
Let me explain.
It is a historical fact that after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D., prophecy ceased for almost a full 1900 years.
And it was during this period of prophetic silence that a lot of folks lost faith in the Bible.
Instead of interpreting God’s prophecies literally (like they should have), they began applying allegory to prophecy.
A perfect case in point is the prophecy that God would indeed bring His chosen people back into the land.
As century after century passed minus that happening the gentile church came to the conclusion that it would never happen and as a result all sorts of anti-Semitic doctrines were born that still remain thoroughly embedded in Christianity.
The worst of these doctrines was what we call “Replacement Theology” which teaches that the lawless gentile church replaced Israel.
However, we are now living at a time when God’s prophecies are starting to happen again…and at a freakin’ rapid rate.
Yet, in spite of this, the 21st century church still seems blind to what’s occurring right before their very eyes…
…just as the Israelites overlooked the prophetic fulfillment of the arrival of their Messiah 2000 years ago.
The first prophecy the modern church missed was of course the resurrection of Israel as a nation of Jews back to their original homeland in 1948.
Keep in mind that the establishment of the so-called “Millennial Kingdom” depends upon the Jews being in the land.
The holy land was not only where God’s prophecies were pronounced but also where they will be fulfilled.
Or to put it simply, minus the existence of Israel, prophecy simply CANNOT happen.
In preparation to enter into the next section of the TANAKH, we have just begun a sweeping review of the first five books of Moses.
However, I’m not going to be starting at the creation story from Genesis 1:1.
Instead, I’m going to start with the pre-history of Israel.
Because as I said yesterday, Israel is the key and the foundation upon which all Scripture is based.
And again, since this is an overview, we’re going to be moving fast and furious and…
…rather than the verse-by-verse micro-approach we’ve taken over the past couple of years, this study will be much more general in nature and and unfold more like an epic and sweeping historical motion picture.
So kick back, make sure you have your Bibles at hand and enjoy.
See you all next time.
So enjoy these messages. Can’t wait to go into the overview.
Glad to hear you find these studies edifying Veronica. Stay tuned for more. Be blessed and SHALOM!
Peace be unto you and God bless you!
Good read, spot on.
God bless you