We don’t know much about Abraham’s life before God called out to him.
All we can do is make intelligent speculations based on what we’re given in Scripture and other historical accounts.
However, all facts considered there probably wasn’t anything exceptionally extraordinary about Abraham.
He was most likely just as surprised as anyone would have been when the Creator of the Universe came knocking at his door, metaphorically speaking of course.
To that point, have you ever wondered how God first got Abraham’s attention?
Although I can’t say for sure, I betcha the Lord got Abraham’s attention by speaking to him using real audible words.
I mean that’s the way the Biblical narrative seems to present it.
Remember Abraham was an Amorite and was surrounded by a ton of idols and gods.
My point is it’s hardly likely these false little deities carved out of wood and stone ever uttered audible words to Abraham.
Therefore, when God spoke to Abraham, he was probably quite stunned…
…and this led to Abraham doing what he was told to do…
…which was to take his wife Sarah, his nephew Lot (the son of the deceased brother), a couple of other cousins, and some servants, and strike out towards an unknown destination.
It’s obvious Abraham was following in his father’s footsteps to a degree because he ended up wandering into Canaan and eventually stopped at the site of Shechem.
Let me address a common misunderstanding about the land of Canaan here.
Understand that Canaan was NOT a country or nation.
Rather it was a region that had been given the name of “Canaan”.
In other words, the term “Canaan” was used pretty much like how we use the term “The Middle East” today.
“Canaan” was just the title that was ascribed to a generalized geographical area.
I’m done.
Does God have a soul? The NKJV says God has a soul in Psalm 11:5
Yep, I believe that Abraham had to have heard an audible voice to just up and leave like he did.