In yesterday’s post, I talked about how the liberals love to promote the ridiculous idea that it doesn’t really matter which god one worships because ultimately we’re all worshipping the same god.
I think this problem stems from a misunderstanding of the Hebrew word SHEM.
SHEM literally means “name” as in God’s Name.
Here’s the thing and I’ve talked about this before.
In the Hebrew culture, names were NOT just a form of identification.
In ancient Israel, a name referred to one’s reputation, nature and characteristics.
This is one of the big reasons why the Lord ordered Israel to not worship other gods.
It wasn’t just because the gods of the pagans had different names.
Rather, God didn’t want to have anything to do with the characteristics assigned to those false-gods that were embodied in their names.
Assigning characteristics to God that He really doesn’t have…
or taking away characteristics of God we’d prefer He didn’t have…
…is the very heart of what idolatry is.
Here is some of the idolatrous nonsense being spouted in the liberal churches these days.
“In this advent of grace, we will no longer be judged for our sin”
“God accepts the homosexual and those who practice bestiality because He loves everyone”
“Love is above God’s laws and commands”
I’ve seen too many churches who just won’t preach the Lord’s justice and judgement.
Because they’re scared of their flock leaving.
And you know what?
They’re right to be scared…
…because the truth is a good majority of their flock probably would leave if they were exposed to real and uncensored Scriptural truth.
Too many people have been brainwashed into thinking that God is only a God of pure love and thus would never judge anyone in our current “age of grace“.
It all goes back to the ridiculous idea that somehow God changed from the Old Testament to the New Testament.
So let’s take care of this false idea once and for all!
“Love” is NOT God’s only characteristic.
Got it?
There is so much more to God than just the attribute of “love“.
On one hand, our Creator is a God of light, creation, salvation and mercy.
On the other hand, He is also a God of wrath, fury and vengeance.
We can’t be one-sided in accepting the attributes of God.
We have to be balanced and accept ALL of His Characteristics and attributes.
Our God is very near to us…
…yet He is also very far from us in the sense that He is not of our world or our universe.
Heck…He doesn’t even inhabit the dimensions we inhabit.
And this is as good a time as ever to remind you of an important truth that mainstream Christians have yet to understand.
God is NOT a human being.
He’s not even a super human being.
Let’s get this straight.
To compare God to a human being or to even think that God could become a man is major nonsense of gargantuan proportions.
The God of Israel is in a totally different class.
He is a totally different being.
He is the Creator, Preserver AND Destroyer of life itself.
He carries that authority.
In this article, I haven’t even begun to define a mere fraction of who God is and His attributes.
However, in His Word, we are given enough of His attributes and are shown how all of God’s characteristics work together in perfect harmony and balance with each other.
We’ve been given more than enough knowledge to know that to assign His Holy name to another god whose attributes are infinitely different and totally inferior is pure idolatry and a gross insult to the Creator who has called us to worship Him and walk in His Ways.
In Judaism, as I am sure you know Rich, there is a section in Exodus, Ex. 34:5-7 where God tells Moses (and the rest of us) exactly who he is. This is known as the 13 Attributes of God.
And the word “love” is not in there, at all. The attributes demonstrate that God is a loving God, but (apparently) that is not a priority on his list.
Excellent point Steven. Thanks for sharing.
Are you saying that Jesus was not God?
Yeshua is NOT God.
“Now this is eternal life:
that they know you,
the only true God,
and Messiah Yeshua,
whom you have sent.”
-John 17:3
Or this one…
“For there is one God and one mediator
between God and mankind,
the man Messiah Yeshua,”
-1 Timothy 2:5
Verses such as “I and the Father are one and the same” are referring to being one in purpose and mission, not literally being God Himself on some ontological level.
I’ve done away with the teachings of Rome a long time ago.