You know, if you think about it, the idea of “worshipping other gods” is kind of a biblical oxymoron.
Because in reality there are no other gods.
There is ONLY ONE God in existence even though the Israelites didn’t believe this at the time.
Remember at this time in history, Israel still held to the notion that the nations had their gods and they had their one God to whom they were dedicated.
But let me get back to my point.
If in reality, there are no other gods, what was HASHEM referring to when he warned the Israelites to not follow after other gods?
Well, to an extent, I believe God was going along with the false beliefs of the people who still believed there were other deities in existence…
…but on a deeper level I believe he was also referring to the tendency of our evil inner self to always want to place things ahead of God in our lives.
I think that’s the real truth behind the admonition to not chase after other gods.
I mean think about it.
There are no HASHEM-like beings who exist in the universe..not even inferior ones.
We can worship what we believe are real gods all day and night but the truth is we are in effect worshipping nothing because other gods simply don’t exist…PERIOD.
God isn’t concerned about some rival spiritual being getting the glory He should rightly receive because they don’t exist.
So what exactly is God concerned about when He instructs us to not follow after other gods?
His concern is that our YETSER HARAH or evil inclination will get the better of us and we’ll choose to ignore God in our lives and instead make something else…anything else…the most important thing in our lives.
Usually today when we hear the word “idolatry“, we tend to think of primitive tribes in Africa bowing down to wooden idols or clay objects.
While that is indeed idolatry, I think it misses the point.
The real meaning of “idolatry” is as I mentioned yesterday.
Idolatry is making anything as high as or above the Lord our God.
Hence, the truth is any one of the following things can literally be made into idols.
-Your wife
-Your husband
-Your children
-Your money
-Your retirement funds
-Your employer
-Your physical safety and security
-Sexual pleasure
-Your hobbies
-Nachos and cheeseburgers at the Hard Rock Cafe
I would say the above is a fairly comprehensive list of the “gods” that the gentiles run after.
Moses is telling this second generation of Israelites that as a chosen and redeemed people of God, they are not to chase after these things…meaning they are not to place them ahead of and above God.
Let me say that again.
A true believer is NOT to chase after money, sex and comfort and security at any cost.
Again, there isn’t anything intrinsically wrong with any of the above things.
It’s just that they should be kept in their proper place.
I think it’s important to every once in a while examine our hearts and minds to see if we are letting any one of the above things collectively or individually get in the way of our ultimate devotion to God.
You know, in my life I’ve met a quite a few elderly people (over the age of 65) in my life including my own father who it was pretty obvious had chased after one or another of the above “gods” and you know what I realized?
They are spiritually dead.
All they can talk about is money this and money that or how in the past they did this or they did that.
As a result of chasing after other “gods“, somewhere along the way, they had lost that enthusiasm and vibrancy for life.
You know what I’m talking about?
Long gone was that innocent child-like faith that results in fun, fulfillment and abundance
I pray that doesn’t happen to you.
Remember this.
There is absolutely NOTHING more exciting and more fulfilling that entering into a relationship with the Creator of the Universe…
…the one who loves you and holds the keys to your eternal future in His Hands.
So do not worry, saying,
‘What shall we eat?’
or ‘What shall we drink?’ or
‘What shall we wear?’
For the gentiles run after all these things,
and your heavenly Father knows
that you need them.
But seek first his kingdom
and his righteousness,
and all these things will be given to you as well.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow,
for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.
-Matthew 6:31-34
“If anyone comes to me and does
not hate father and mother,
wife and children,
brothers and sisters-
-yes, even their own life-
-such a person cannot be my disciple.”
-Luke 14:26
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