Today we begin Deuteronomy Chapter Six.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here.
For the King James version, click here.
“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord:”
-Deuteronomy 6:4
Deuteronomy Chapter Six focuses on the most important and central teaching of the religion of Israel.
In fact, this teaching is so key to the faith of God’s people, it has been given a separate name.
I’m talking about the SHEMA.
The SHEMA also goes by the title “Hear O Israel“.
We’re going to be examining this key tenet which serves as the foundation for the whole Torah.
I want to start off today by quoting what Yeshua said when he was asked what is the most important commandment of them all.
Let’s read Mark 12:28-30.
“And one of the scribes came,
and having heard them reasoning together,
and perceiving that he had answered them well,
asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?
And Yeshua answered him,
The first of all the commandments is,
Hear, O Israel;
The Lord our God is one Lord:
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind,
and with all thy strength:
this is the first commandment.”
Yeshua is quoting verses 4 and 5 from Deuteronomy Chapter 6.
Now I want you to notice a couple of things Yeshua did when he quoted the Shema.
First, notice he did NOT replace the word “Israel” with the term “church“.
However, isn’t it interesting that when most Christian or Evangelical church leaders quote (or I should say misquote) the SHEMA they somehow drop the first part “Hear O Israel the Lord is our God, the Lord is One…“.
Chew on that thought for a minute.
Gentile Christians will claim that there are some commands for “Israel” and some commands that are just for the “church“.
Well…if that’s really the case and if we’re going to be intellectually honest, then we need to throw out the Torah command to love God as the “God of Israel“.
In addition, we need to dispose of the 10 Commandments as well because those were also given to ONLY Israel.
I mean on what ridiculous basis does the church decide to obey some commandments and do away with others.
My position is there is no basis.
I think it’s retarded to take the position that there are separate commands and/or a separate gospel for Israel versus the church.
Yeshua never came to start some new religion called Christianity that would elevate him to being a member of some triune Godhead and that celebrated pagan holidays such as Christmas and Easter.
The 10 Commandments and the SHEMA are ONLY for Israel and those who have been grafted into Israel.
Let me make myself clear.
I accuse institutional Christianity of falsely declaring the abolishment of the Torah.
I further accuse institutional Christianity of promoting the false idea that Yeshua (who they call Jesus) established a whole new religion completely for the gentiles that was separate from the Hebrew faith.
As a result of these false doctrines, I also accuse institutional Christianity of being the ultimate cause of the Crusades, the Inquisition, the emergence of Secular Humanism, and the Holocaust.
The institutional church as it exists today has ignored the impact of the prophetic rebirth of Israel and the return of Jerusalem to the control of the Jews.
As a result of severing themselves from the true chosen olive tree, the church has become powerless, self-absorbed and a promoter of a watered down, politically correct gospel that has little resemblance to the Torah-based teaching Yeshua preached.
We shouldn’t be surprised at this however.
I mean think about it.
We’re dealing with an organization that observes pagan holidays while completely ignoring those very set times or MOEDIM the Lord Himself has declared holy.
Thank you Colette! Be blessed! Shalom!