“Honor your father and mother, as Adonai your God ordered you to do, so that you will live long and have things go well with you in the land Adonai your God is giving you.”-Deuteronomy 5:16
As of yesterday we have finished reviewing the 1st to 4th of the Ten Commandments of God.
These first four commandments deal with how God’s worshippers are to relate to His Name, His Nature, His Identity and His Holy day.
However, starting with the fifth commandment, there is a shift.
There is now a focus on human relationships starting with how we are to relate to our parents.
Let’s face it.
Whether our relationship with our parents is good or bad, chances are very high that they are or have been the most important people in your life.
In Leviticus Chapter 19, we learned that priests were given a stern warning to revere their parents.
Along the same lines, the 5th Commandment demands the same of all common believers.
We are to recognize that among human relationships, it is our obligations to our parents that are to reign supreme.
Although this commandment is often used to persuade grade school children to be obedient and “eat your vegetables” or “clean up your room” etcetera, in the Biblical era that wasn’t what this commandment was really about.
In Bible times, this commandment was more about how grownup children were to continue to respect their parents and provide needed economic or physical assistance when the parents reached the age when they were no longer able to care for themselves.
Let’s take a look at Leviticus 19:3.
“Every one of you is to
revere his father and mother,
and you are to keep my Shabbats;
I am Adonai your God.”
Notice how the Lord puts showing proper respect to one’s parents on the same level as observing the Shabbat.
That’s just how important God considers this commandment.
We honor our Heavenly Father by keeping His sabbaths and we honor our earthly parents by revering them.
Again, we see the As-In-Heaven-So-On-Earth principle at work here.
There’s also something else interesting I want to share.
Although this is not the case in the wording of the 5th Commandment, in the Scriptures the often used phrase to refer to one’s parents is “your mother and father“.
In other words, the word “mother” often comes before the word “father“.
What’s the reason behind this?
Is it because the mother is to be valued more than and above the father?
No..rather in a male dominated world, the mother was supposed to be on an equal footing with the father.
An adult child was NOT supposed to put the needs of one parent above another.
Both the mother and the father are equal in God’s eyes and thus are to be viewed and treated as equal in the child’s eyes.
In the ancient Jewish writings, we can see that the Jewish sages also agreed and promoted this viewpoint.
Finally, note and take heed that this is the one commandment that promises a great reward for all who would obey it.
The Lord promises a long and prosperous life for those who properly fulfill this 5th Word of God.
Good Morning Rich – Great subject with Rosh Hashanah behind us and Yom Kippur, Sukkot & Hashanah Rabbah & Simchat Torah ahead of us – My thoughts are below:
The Mother is head of the Home – also called the Queen of the house; The Father is Head of the Place of Worship. Thus the MOTHER is closer to her children to teach them about G-D; she is also more in tune with the SPIRIT OF THE L-RD because her heart is soft to the WORD of G-D due to her nurturing role as a MOTHER. She has the well being of her household in mind; it is the most important role in her life. Just read Proverbs 31:10-31, 22 verses of which verse 29 is so important for the Jewish Household. A praise for the Mother calling her the “best of them all” because she takes care of her own. These 22 verses are read to the wife on Shabbat night by her husband instilling tender love and respect to their children modeling the family for future generations. The togetherness on the sacred Shabbat worshipping the Creator of All holds the Universe together. The role of the Father: He is to be the Head of the Place of worship, thus Orthodox Judaism (Judah & Benjamin) and the Church (10 Tribes) also called the House of Israel – are the closest in this regard. Both male dominated religions with meaningful rituals to portray the Kingdom of G-D on Earth as in Heaven. How will G-D unite in the future : Step by step starting again Genesis 1:1-31.Then Genesis 2:2 – Sabbath Rest. Then Genesis 2:7 – Adam is created out of dust; Genesis 2:18 G-D says : it is not good for man to be alone; I will make a help meet for him. 2:21 And the LORD G-D caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and he slept; and HE took one of his ribs, and closed up the place with flesh instead thereof. Genesis 2:22 And the rib, which the LORD G-D had taken from the man, made HE a woman, and brought her unto the man. v. 2:23 : And the man said; “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called “Woman” because she was taken out of “Man”. and Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. ONE = ECHAD. I have the Pentateuch here next to me. All is quoted from Original Jewish Scripture.
When I wanted to convert to Judaism because HASHEM led me to an Orthodox Synagogue, the Rabbi said to me : “Do you believe that JESUS is the Son of GOD”? I had sent this Rabbi my Testimony titled – The Spirit & the bride – to which Rabbi Goldberger acknowledged receipt thereof and that he “read some of it”. My testimony is 70 pages of my walk with Yeshua – certainly I cannot deny HIM. Therefore I answered : “HE is a Jewish Man you know”. To which the Rabbi said : “We don’t believe in three GODS, we believe in ONE GOD, we don’t believe in Angels and Life after death. So if you want to convert you must renounce JESUS”. I was speechless and wondered why the L-RD MY G-D would want me to attend this Orthodox Synagogue? That was on 12/14/1998, the day after Hanukkah.
On 10/20/1996 I asked the LORD to give me something to read: HE said : “Read Deuteronomy 6”. I said: “Deuteronomy 6 what? And who is Deuteronomy?” HE gave me no further instructions. Deuteronomy 6:4 : “HEAR, O ISRAEL; THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD IS ONE.” In Hebrew that reads : Shema Israel Adonai Elohainu Adonai Echad, “SHEMA” means “HEAR”. v. 5 : And thy shall love the LORD THY GOD with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy might…. I read the entire chapter and realized that I DO LOVE THE LORD MY GOD…. But here is the key : I discovered over a year later in a Jewelry catalog mentioning Deuteronomy 6:4-9 next to a Mezzuzah. The SHEMA is the most important verse in Judaism and is contained as a scroll in the Mezzuzah which is put on the door post – Our Jewish Brethren kiss the Mezzuzah when they enter their house… The Shepherd says :” I AM THE DOOR…” But the clearest indication is in the word ECHAD = translated as ONE. In GENESIS 2:24 the Pentateuch says :” … and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be ONE FLESH – ONE is translated from Hebrew as ECHAD – two distinct people of opposite sex becoming “ONE” – “ECHAD” , therefore the G-D HEAD is at least TWO ( THE FATHER & THE SON) = 2 distinct personalities but “ONE” – ECHAD. This is the clearest indication that G-D makes TWO into ONE. G-D the Father, G-D the Son and yes, G-D the SPIRIT… 1-2-3! THREE IN ONE! The Star of David is a clear sign of this. Let me explain. Again the L-RD spoke to me and said: “Draw a Triangle” I did. Then HE said: “Draw another Triangle!” I did creating a Star of David. Then HE said :”Cut it in half!” I did by drawing a line in the middle. the HE said : “Three point to Heaven, Three point to Hell” – Who points to Heaven ? G-D THE FATHER, G-D THE SON, G-D THE SPIRIT! Who points to Hell… What do you think? I can elaborate on the “Spirit of G-D” also called the “HOLY SPIRIT” in the WORD OF G-D some other time. Shalom to All – to JerUSAlem – and all the Wolrd with Yeshua HaMachiach in the heart of all people leading up to YOM KIPPUR & beyond. AMEN & AMEN.