“You are not to make for yourselves a carved image or any kind of representation of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath or in the water below the shoreline — you are not to bow down to them or serve them; for I, Adonai your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of the parents, also the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my mitzvot.”-Deuteronomy 5:8-10
The 2nd Commandment (really should be called “2nd Word”) is restated in verses 8-10 of Deuteronomy Chapter Five.
These verses make it crystal clear that Israel is not to enter into a relationship with any other God but Him.
That’s right!
In the Mosaic Covenant, a RELATIONSHIP is established between God and man.
This brings me to yet another unscriptural teaching that modern Christianity has foisted upon the masses.
I’m talking about the false dichotomy the gentile church has set up that demands we view the “Old” Testament as being all about the establishment of a cold and harsh legal code and it is only when we come to the New Testament with the advent of Yeshua was grace ushered in.
Christianity presents the Torah as if it was set up by a harsh and merciless dictator who doles out orders that are to be obeyed OR ELSE!
And then by contrast, the New Testament is promoted as being all about a relationship between God and man and that once one is saved he or she really has no obligation to obey any of God’s commands…except to maybe stay away from the Torah.
This is bunch of un-kosher baloney nonsense.
Here’s the unvarnished truth.
From the very beginning, the covenants between God and man have been RELATIONSHIP BASED.
Whenever you come across expressions like “I will take you to be My people, and I will be your God” or “I will be your God and you shall be My people”, this is talking about a relationship.
Let’s not forget the two-fold nature of a relationship…that it involves the freewill of both parties.
Notice the Lord says…
...”I will be this to you…
…and in return…
I want you to be this to me.”
In other words, God isn’t making Israel His Chosen people against their free will.
They have to accept HASHEM as their God or there won’t be a relationship.
BOTH parties have to accept each other.
By definition, that’s what a relationship is!
The vows that are spoken when a couple gets married is actually a perfect illustration of this.
In a marriage ceremony, BOTH the man and the woman are asked if they will take this man and/or woman to be your husband and/or wife.
If one of the parties declines, then there won’t be a marriage relationship.
On the other hand, if both parties agree, both parties will have legal standing and from that moment on BOTH PARTIES WILL HAVE CERTAIN OBLIGATIONS THEY WILL TO HAVE TO FULFILL TOWARDS EACH OTHER.
It’s the same thing with the relationship between God and Israel.
If God declared Israel to be His Chosen People without asking them if they wanted Him as their God, we’d be talking about slavery and not a relationship.
Thank you for this timely teaching on a personal relationship with YHWH. A personal relationship with the Son of the Living G-D is what HE requires; then just DO as HE says. ” When you DO what I say, I DO what you say” says the Spirit to the Bride. First we have to say I DO to G-D for G-D so LOVED the WORLD that HE gave HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, YESHUA HA-MASHIACH, so that whosoever believes in HIM, shall not perish but have Eternal Life… (with HIM in Heaven) John 3:16. Shalom to all on this Eve – 9.9.2018 or 29th ELUL 5778, of Rosh HaShanah – The Head of the Year – and a New Beginning for all who believe – Romans 11:26 – the end of Chapter 11, but especially Romans 11:32 READ IT. Be glad. Never give up. Always look up. Shalom to JerUSAlem & the World. Amen & Amen.