Today we begin Deuteronomy Chapter Five.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here.
For the King James Version, click here.
“And Moses called all Israel, and said unto them, Hear, O Israel, the statutes and judgments which I speak in your ears this day, that ye may learn them, and keep, and do them.”-Deuteronomy 5:1
Right off the bat from the beginning of Deuteronomy Chapter Five, Moses makes no bones about asserting his authority as the one and only unique Mediator between God and Israel.
Notice he says “These are rules that I, Moses am proclaiming to you!“
He then makes it clear he is simply repeating what HASHEM told him from the thundering mountain at Sinai and what many of his audience heard as young children.
What Moses is doing here is reestablishing the reason why this younger and second generation’s allegiance should be to HASHEM and HASHEM alone.
What is the basis of why Israel’s loyalty should be to HASHEM alone?
Well…this was established in the First Commandment (actually “First Word”) of God which is as follows:
“I am the Lord thy God,
which brought thee
out of the land of Egypt,
from the house of bondage.”
-Deuteronomy 5:6
If you’re a gentile or if you missed my study on this way back when we were in the Book of Exodus, you’re not gonna know this but that verse above starting with the words …”I am the Lord thy God”… is actually the first commandment.
Due to the anti-Semitism of the historical Christian church, it became the norm over the centuries to blatantly ignore the 1st Commandment of God.
What the gentile church did instead was take the 2nd commandment and break it up into two commandments in order to maintain the appearance of 10 commandments.
You think I’m BS-ing you?
I am not.
That is EXACTLY what happened.
The gentile Christian church abolished the true 1st Commandment of God and then broke up the 2nd commandment into two commandments.
Talk about deception and tampering with God’s word!!!
The reason Christianity did this was anti-Semitism pure and simple.
They wanted to disinherit the Jewish people’s rightful place as God’s chosen people.
And you wonder why the mainstream Church has such an arrogant attitude towards Israel and the Jewish people possess such a gut-level revulsion towards Christianity.
Because of what the Church has done, the Hebrews have been totally alienated from their own Messiah.
What an irony of ironies.
The Jewish people have been so thoroughly brainwashed into believing that if they accept Yeshua, it’s tantamount to accepting a gentile religion.
In other words, through their false teaching, the church seeks to validate its ridiculous belief that the Jews have now been rejected by HASHEM and replaced with the gentiles.
Gimme a break.
This is as laughable as it is sad.
Let me move on to my last point.
Moses next goes on to stress that the reason Israel should NOT look to any other gods on earth or in the heavens above for salvation is because it is only their God called YHVH who rescued them from slavery in Egypt and demonstrated never-before-seen signs and wonders.
In addition, Moses goes on to say something that was revolutionary at the time.
He tells the children of Israel it is pure folly to bow down to other gods because in actuality they don’t really exist.
They are just fictitious products of men’s foolish imaginations and evil inclinations that always seek to take created objects and make them into gods.
Hey you!!!! FYI Christianity is not a gentile religeon….why you dont read the books written by paul and understand it!!!