Even though we’re not even close to finishing up Deuteronomy Chapter Four, it’s time to press the pause button for a second here and have a quick review of some of the important principles we’ve studied so far.
If there’s anything I’ve learned over the years is that real learning only takes place when the foundational principles and facts of whatever subject matter one is studying are reviewed and repeated over and over again in different contexts.
That’s the only way you can fully comprehend and internalize the material at hand.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re studying a martial art or quantum physics…
…the principle that “Repetition Is The Mother Of Learning” holds true.
So on that note, let’s see what we’ve learned so far.
So far…
YOU’VE LEARNED THAT…the word “Shema” which is usually translated into the terms “hear” or “hearken” is NOT a passive word. It does NOT just mean to sit back and take notice of something like some nice peaceful music playing in the background. No…this is a very PROACTIVE word and should best be translated as to “Listen AND OBEY!” or to “Listen AND ACT!”
YOU’VE LEARNED THAT…the Book of Deuteronomy is essentially Moses’ final and impassioned sermon to the new generation of Israelites to take to heart God’s Torah and be bold in going forth to take the Promised Land. In Deuteronomy, we are literally reading Moses’ last words.
YOU’VE LEARNED THAT…a big part of what Moses wants to impart to this second generation is that their national identity is linked to the God of Israel AND OBEYING HIS COVENANT AND LAWS. In other words, it is Torah obedience that makes someone a child of Israel.
And finally…
YOU’VE LEARNED THAT…God’s Torah is set in the context of the history of Israel. This is important because it is Israel’s history itself that proves God’s teachings to be true. The history of Israel is the perfect objective demonstration that God is who He says He is and He will do what He says He will do.
Again, understand that in no way are we even close to finishing this chapter.
We’ve still got a loooooong way to go.
Deuteronomy 4 is a really long section and probably one of the most important chapters out of the almost 1200 chapters that make up our modern Bibles.
This is one of those chapters that not only gives us a clear picture of God’s character, His plans for His People and His justice…
…but it also fleshes out many of those foundational and powerful God-principles that are so central to the lives of believers.
We’re gonna take our good ‘ole sweet time with Deuteronomy Chapter Four.
See you next time.
Dear Richoka, many thanks for your time and insight.
Thank you for reading Abraham.