Yesterday I explained the true meaning of the word “SHEMA“.
I told you it meant to actively LISTEN AND OBEY…
…as opposed to just passively listening.
Let’s see what happens when we recite the SHEMA by changing the word “hear” to “obey”.
We get the following:
“OBEY, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord“
We get a totally different feel for the verse that makes more sense within the context, doesn’t it?
Because what good does it do to listen to commands if you’re not going to obey them.
Now let’s modify the SHEMA a bit more.
FIRST, where the word “Lord” is used, God’s personal name YHVH is used instead.
This shouldn’t surprise you as I’ve pointed this out many, many times before.
SECOND, remember when I pointed out that the word “heart” in ancient Biblical times was NOT thought of as the place where our emotions resided.
Instead the heart was considered to function like how we now scientifically know the brain functions today.
In other words, ancient Middle Easterners believed the heart was where our intellect resided.
So whenever you come across the word “heart” in your Bibles (whether “Old” or New Testament), take a pen, cross it out and write in the word “mind” instead.
That will give you a much more accurate sense of how the ancient Hebrews understood certain Scripture verses.
Let’s re-render the SHEMA with these two additional changes.
Here’s what we get:
“OBEY, O Israel: YAHWEH our God is one:
And thou shalt love YAHWEH thy God with all
thine MIND, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy might.”
Now doesn’t that put a totally different slant on things?
Instead of the usual and flaky gentile church idea where all we have to do is understand God intellectually and then somehow let the Holy Spirit envelope our souls (whatever the heck that means?!) while we sit back and do absolutely nothing…
…the way I’ve redone the verse here requires us to TAKE ACTION by following His commands.
Let’s not forget that Yeshua said the SHEMA is the most important commandment of them all.
In addition, the SHEMA is the foundation of the 10 Words (the 10 commandments) and the 613 Torah commands.
Can you now see why it’s so important to get the truest possible sense of what God is saying to us through His Word?
can i get all this teaching in one volume
Hi Emmanuel, Thank you for your inquiry. At the moment, the content for this site is only available here. In the future, we may release teachings condensed into volume 1, 2 etcetera. However, for the time being, please come to this site to access the teachings. Shalom.
This is 100% accurate teaching. My very personal and intimate walk with YESHUA started on 7.22.96 when I asked HIM where is says “WHITE AS SNOW” In HIS WORD. HE showed me that night: PSALM 51:7!!! The start of my walk with the WORD OF GOD….3 month later on 10.20.96 I asked HIM to give me something to read (in HIS WORD). HE said: Read. DEUTETONOMY 6. I answered: “Who is Deuteronomy and 6 what?” No response. I immediately got my bible and started reading all of Deuteronomy 6. Verse 4 to 9 got my attention after I read the entire Chapter. I even marked my pink Living Bible with the date. 10.20.96… Being a JEWeler I discovered a Mezzuzah pendant on 1.1.98 which contains DEVARIM 6 Verse 4 to 9. THE SHEMA… Walking with HIM every second of the day… On 6.18.98 I had my dishes blessed at Knesset Israel Congregation and received my very first Mikveh – the Jewish Purification bath – ready for my first Kosher Shabbat. PS. All this is written in my testimony “THE SPIRIT & THE BRIDE” 11.26.98 For Romans 11:26 and updated with matching Bible verses on 5.5.99 for Revelation 5:5… A Messianic Revolution is brewing on the Horizon. The wall of Jerusalem fell on 7.22.18 9:46pm MN time during the 25th hour of fasting and pleading with HASHEM to let this be the LAST 9TH OF AV. HE hears and HE answers. Shalom to JerUSALEM and the world….
Thank you for sharing Monique!