There is something really fascinating and important contained in Deuteronomy Chapter Four that I need to point out.
I need to point this thing out because honestly it probably just flies by everybody’s heads whenever they read this chapter.
This is something we all take for granted but believe me when Moses mentioned it, it raised the eyebrows of all those in his audience.
What am I talking about?
I’m talking about the part where Moses says that when God scatters the Israelites because of their idolatry He will allow them to repent and seek Him out.
I know what you’re thinking.
What’s so significant or mysterious about that statement?
It sounds like a pretty simple and unconcealed statement to me.
That’s probably what you’re thinking, right?
Well, it’s only simple to us because we already understand and take for granted that there is only one God in existence.
However, it wasn’t so easily understood to the Hebrews at that time.
I remind you that in the ancient Middle East, the common and unquestioned understanding of the time was that the spiritual world consisted of a multitude of gods…
…and that each of these gods were assigned to the various people groups and nations in the world.
Deities were believed to be territorial in nature.
Again, at this time, Israel did NOT believe their God was the only god in existence.
They just believed that Hashem was their own particular god…just like the nations had their own gods.
To them it was unthinkable that if they rebelled and were scattered across the globe their God would somehow find them and be able to bring them back to the Promised Land.
The Israelites had yet to fully understand that HASHEM’s power and presence were completely unrestrained by territorial boundaries or the governments of other nations.
You may be thinking but didn’t the God of Israel already demonstrate His supreme power when He laid waste to Egypt?
Yes He did.
However, ingrained age-old beliefs are not so easily weeded out.
Moses is for the first time in the Torah throwing out hints to the Israelites that YHVH is not just Israel’s God, but He is the Only God in existence everywhere and that He is eternal.
Moses is making it clear that when God has forced Israel to go into exile for their idolatry, they will still be able to take comfort in the fact that their God will still be with them even when they are living in the lands of the gentiles.
This would have been a difficult truth for the Israelites to accept because it ran so counter to the common understanding of the time.
Indeed it was a mind-blowing and revolutionary concept Moses was hinting at here.
The only way the people were going to get it was through time and experience.
There was also a strong and I might add ominous prophetic element to what Moses was saying here.
He was predicting a principle or cycle that would be repeated over and over again.
The cycle is as follows.
First, Israel would rebel by committing idolatry.
Second, God would respond by forcing the Israelites to leave the Promised Land and then scatter them.
In the foreign lands to which they were scattered, the Israelites would be hated and pressured to conform and worship the gods of the nations.
Finally, when Israel repented, God would bring them back to their homeland.
Even a cursory understanding of Israel’s history will reveal that this has been the general pattern that has occurred over and over again.
Rich: What is your favorite name for G-D? ELOHIM ? YHWH? YESHUA? L-RD? etc. etc. etc.
And why? Maybe you would like to comment.
PS I think your posts are very informative and well written. Thank you.
Here is the problem :
I see some posts on another FB Messianic Group that call other believers “freaks” – every post has the word “Freaks” in it…(which the Spirit in me finds offensive). So what is a “Freak”? Maybe they have not understood yet, what G-D wants them to understand? Does that make them “FREAKS?” if they don’t do exactly what that particular group advocates? 20 years ago, about 30’000 Christian denominations
claimed to be “the true Church”, the “true and only way to Heaven” etc etc. Now there are possibly 50’000 diverse “Christian Denominations” who all “believe” the “Bible” but pick and choose what they like/dislike etc. The Holy Spirit led me from one place to the next in the last 22 years always listening, searching, obeying but most of all LOVING YESHUA with ALL MY HEART, Strength, might, soul. Is John 3:16-17 still valid? FOR G-D SO LOVED THE WORLD…. Is it right to call “Christians” “freaks” as I see on some Messianic Groups?” Really? Suggested Reading :
Romans 11:25-28…
Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of G-D are without repentance. (also 30 & 31)
Romans 11:32 FOR GOD HAS CONCLUDED THEM ALL IN UNBELIEF, THAT HE MIGHT HAVE MERCY UPON ALL.. I think if HE says ALL, HE means ALL… (I like to believe that the Creator of Heaven & Earth will give mankind a 2nd Chance to do what HE SAYS and follow the narrow road HE wants us to take.)
Also Romans 11:33-36…
JOHN 10:10 : The thief cometh not, but for to steal and to kill and to destroy; I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
Let’s find the “abundant” life together by doing what HE says…
Shalom to you, your family and all of JerUSAlem and the World.
Hi Monique, Personally I find it a bit offensive to call anyone freaks. Also, in the beginning of my spiritual journey, I too was overwhelmed at the ridiculous number of Christian denominations out there. My solution and I felt HASHEM led me in this area was to simply go directly to the foundation of God’s Word, the Torah and attach myself to His Chosen People, Israel. And what’s interesting, that’s exactly the message Paul (or Rabbi Shaul) preached to the gentiles. He preached that through attaching oneself to the Jewish Messiah, they are grafted into the olive tree which is a metaphor for Israel. Thank you for reading my articles. Be blessed and Shalom!