“In your distress, when all these things have come upon you, in the acharit-hayamim, you will return to Adonai your God and listen to what he says; for Adonai your God is a merciful God. He will not fail you, destroy you, or forget the covenant with your fathers which he swore to them.”-Deuteronomy 4:30-31
In my last post, I painted a nightmare scenario of what Moses said would happen to the Israelites if they rebelled against the Covenant God had established with them at Sinai.
In order for the picture to fully hit home, I said the exile of the Israelites for their idolatry would be like one of us being yanked away from our home country and being sent to do hard labor in North Korea with no hope for the future.
Fortunately from verse 30 in Moses’ sermon, things take a turn for the positive.
Moses assures the people that rescue and restoration from Israel’s exile will be possible!!!
Moses lets them know that if they repent and seek God with all their mind and soul, they will be accepted back into HASHEM’s good graces.
We’re even given the reason why.
Look carefully at verse 31.
It says…
“…for Adonai your God is a merciful God”.
In other words, we’re introduced to the attribute of God that operates at the other end of the scale from His avenging wrath.
I’m talking about His compassion and forgiveness.
On a national level, God makes it clear that He will NEVER allow Israel to be wiped out to the point where they will no longer be identifiable as a people.
He makes it clear that He will NEVER forget the covenant promise He made with the fathers of Israel.
So you can say goodbye to any retarded replacement theology forever!!!
There is only ONE CHOSEN PEOPLE and there will only ever be ONE CHOSEN PEOPLE!
Let’s deep dive a little bit more into what Moses is saying here in verse 31.
FIRST, understand that when Moses says “your fathers”, he is simply referring to the patriarchs
You do remember who the three patriarchs are, don’t you?
They are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Moses is letting Israel know in no uncertain terms that their God will not let Israel’s national identity vanish with the sands of time like so many of the other gentile nations throughout history.
He is not going to forget the covenant He swore to Abraham and then Isaac and Jacob.
Let’s take a look at the word “forget” from the phrase “I will not forget the covenant“ because it’s so central to having a proper understanding of the Bible.
In Biblical terms, “to forget a covenant” is literally the same thing as saying to abolish it or do away with it.
Yet, countless times in the Tanach, the Lord says He will NEVER forget his covenant with Israel.
This means He will NEVER abolish nor do away with the covenant with Israel.
I hope this is is properly sinking in because it syncs perfectly with what the Messiah said in Matthew 5:17.
“Don’t think that I have come to abolish
the Torah or the Prophets.
I have come not to abolish but to complete”
Now, on the other side of the coin, we have the word “remember“.
Biblically speaking, to remember a covenant is to uphold it and keep its terms and conditions.
In other words, when we see God applying the words “forget” and “remember” to Himself, it has absolutely nothing to do with his powers of memory, recollection or His capability to recall past events.
From June 1998 to Nov 1999 I was worshipping in the Orthodox Synagogue always walking with The Spirit of the Lord. That is 20 years ago. Keeping the Sabbath. Eating kosher. Following the Fasts. Feasts. Festivals. I saw then what you point out today. Matthew 5:17 to 20 is Crystal clear. YESHUA did not do away with the law… Read Verse 20. Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees… You will certainly NOT enter the Kingdom of God….I want to be called GREAT IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD? How about you? Then DO what HE says… Amen… Good post…
Thanks for sharing Monique.