“Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face”-Deuteronomy 34:10
So today with this post, I close my study of the Five Books of Moses.
The takeaway for today is this.
Moses has never been exceeded by another prophet…
…until the arrival of Yeshua from Nazareth 1300 years later that is.
I’m well aware the vast majority of the Jewish population would be violently against what I just said.
But hey, what else can you expect from a blog entitled the Messianic Revolution?
Let’s talk a little bit about the meaning of verse Deuteronomy 34:10.
Here’s what you got to know.
As respected and adored were the Biblical prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel, their status didn’t even come close to the status Moses held.
Not. Even. Close.
There was nothing they could say that could supersede or ever undercut what Moses declared and established in this Torah we have been studying together for over the past five years.
There was nothing that could be added to Moses’ words either.
Think deeply about what I just said.
The greatest of the Biblical prophets must conform to the words of Moses or they would be cast out as false prophets.
Now if that’s the case, let me ask you this.
If the Biblical prophets were forbidden from taking away from or adding to what Moses said, what makes you think a gentile preacher, pastor or Bible teacher today can do so?
Short answer: They can’t.
They do not have such authority.
Actually, let me rephrase that.
Hashem Himself has NOT given them such authority.
And you know what else I can tell you with 100% confidence AND 100% authority.
The Messiah’s words can’t override Moses’ words either.
Why am I so sure?
Because Scripture tells us that if anyone (including any future mediator) contradicts Moses words, that person is a false prophet.
Fortunately for us, we can rest assured Yeshua never spoke against the Torah and Moses’ words.
“Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah- not until everything that must happen has happened. So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”-Matthew 5:17-19
Yeshua went out of his way to drive home the point that he didn’t come to do away with even one tiny letter of the law.
This was a hardcore and very patriotic Jew we are talking about here.
Yeshua being the Messiah was the ultimate prophet, mediator and savior.
The authority he received from Hashem was so great he could tell the people that “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father”.
And the same could be said of Moses in his day.
“Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet.'”-Exodus 7:1
Yet even with such great authority, Yeshua made it clear that in no way did he come to do away with, change, subtract from, add or in any way whatsoever challenge anything Moses said.
Even when facing down the devil during his wilderness temptation, Yeshua quoted the words of the Torah.
Specifically, he quoted these words from Deuteronomy.
“And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.“-Deuteronomy 8:3
For Yeshua, the Torah was the foundation for his ministry and he made it clear that to obey Torah is life and to break it is certain death.
“If you believed Moses,
you would believe me,
for he wrote about me.”
-John 5:46
Completed on March 4th (Wed), 2020 at Starbucks (Tabata Branch) in Tokyo, Japan. Thank you Father for giving me the faith, strength, passion, power and incredible privilege to blog through Your Word. Let Your Truth spread to every corner of the globe. TODAH RABAH HASHEM!
Dear RichOka,
Congratulations – What a great “ending” or let’s call it a NEW BEGINNING for those who DO what our Heavenly Father requires of us (Matthew 6:7-15 – the Prayer given to us by Yeshua) .I am 100% with you and your are 100% correct. Deuteronomy 18:18 is the HOLY GRAIL for the JEWISH PEOPLE .
Matthew 5:17-20 woke me up to that fact 22 years ago, although it took a long time to figure out that we must be BETTER than the Pharisees & the Scribes to enter the KINGDOM of GOD, to be called Great in the Kingdom Of GOD/G-D/HASHEM. That does NOT mean giving up on the OT, but to DO what HE says with YESHUA in the heart of all of mankind.
You are so very in tune with HIS WORD – And so it shall be that the WORD shall be proclaimed
from East to West and North to South around the entire globe – Besides loving
the LORD with ALL OUR HEART and ALL OUR MIND and ALL OUR SOUL, and all our strength (added by Yeshua) we are to LOVE our neighbor as ourselves… Yeshua’s words – For those who have studied RAMBAM at all, one will discover that it says on his TOMB STONE in Israel
“From Moses till Moses there was none like MOSES.” RAMBAM – a revered Rabbi by the name of Moses ben Maimon, commonly known as Maimonides and also referred to by the acronym RAMBAM, born in Spain on Passover Eve in 1135 CE : he died on 12.13.1204 in Egypt, but is buried in Tiberias, Israel. A Giant of the Jewish Faith. (PS: This year, Pesach Eve falls on his birthday, 14 Nissan = 4.8.2020 – also my BD ) Shalom to you & all who study hard & follow the WORD and DO what HE says. Shalom to JerUSAlem & the World with YESHUA in the heart of ALL people. Amen & AMen & Amen
Hi Monique, Thank you for your love and support over the years. Your feedback has been greatly appreciated. Be blessed and shalom!
The message you send here is directed to the wrong listeners. There is much error in the modern day Church, but it is in lack of application and more often, misapplication of some teaching that is out of context or some other error. The vast majority of teachers who teach error and claim the right to do so outright are found in Judaism…which has no god but Rabbis. But hey, you already knew that–Right?
Dear Richoka
I have been tremendously blessed and inspired by your blog. I found your blog sometime last year. I even sent you an email expressing my gratitude, got no reply; possible you didn’t see it. Thank you so much for freely presenting these truths on this blog.
Reading through the articles –though not chronologically, but randomly, I plan to start all over from the begining and walk my way through chronologically– I see you alot of hard work and diligence you put into it. Thank you so much for sharing the fruits of your great labor. God bless you.
Thank you for your kind words Divine and my apologies if I overlooked your email in the past.
It is encouragement like this that has kept me going every morning after morning, year after year!
Thank you for being with me and may HASHEM keep you and bless you.
Thanks for everything. Any way we can get you do to Judges? Kings? The words of the prophets?
Dear Rich,
Thank you and please keep on going and posting such enlightening and positive teaching.
Dear Rich,
Thank you for all the effort you’ve taken to provide Torah commentary that is enlightening and engaging. I have been following since Genesis 1 and have read through every post up to this point.
All glory to HaShem!
Be blessed,
Yohanan Bet