In my last post I mentioned that Moses was given a panoramic visual sweep of the Promised Land all the way from Dan territory in the north to Zebulun territory in the west and then onto Judah in the south.
Now obviously there’s no mountain peak in the world tall enough, not even Mount Everest, that would allow the human eye to capture that wide range of landscape.
It would literally be impossible.
So here’s what happened (and isn’t this so like the Lord?!).
God showed Moses the whole land via supernatural means.
That’s right folks.
He gave Moses a view that normally would have only been possible from an orbiting satellite floating out in outer space.
Next we’re told that God Himself buried Moses.
It’s normally taught in Judaism that Moses died exactly 6 months after Aaron the High Priest passed away.
The month Moses passed away would later come to be called Adar (late February or early March according to Western calendars).
Now let’s NOT quickly pass by the verse that said Hashem Himself buried Moses.
Do you know how freakin’ amazing this is?
Imagine spending the very last hours of your life under the direct and loving care of the Creator of the universe?
Of course the major question that normally arises here is why did the Lord bury Moses Himself instead of commissioning other people to do it?
I believe the answer was so he could prevent the people from falling into idol worship.
Think about it.
So venerated was Moses that if the people knew where he was buried, not only would they turn it into a shrine of idolatry but the area itself would probably turn into a virtual war zone.
Because armies representing the three monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) would want to stake their claim over what they perceived to be a most holy place even though Hashem never declared it to be so.
And for the same reasons, it’s a darn good thing no one really knows where exactly Yeshua was buried for those three days before Hashem resurrected him from the dead.
Let’s be honest with ourselves.
That Garden Tomb in Jerusalem is based on nothing but speculation because there is ZERO EVIDENCE that this was the tomb he lay in.
In terms of design, architecture and dimensions, sure it may be very much like the tomb he was buried in…
…but it is NOT the actual tomb he was buried in.
And even if it was, we would have no way of knowing that because as I just said, there ain’t no evidence homies.
Again, I reiterate I think that’s a good thing…because if people knew where Yeshua lay before he rose from the dead, they would turn his tomb into an idolatrous shrine that would be worshipped.
Heck, the Christians already believe Yeshua was and is literally God the Father Himself in human flesh.
If you want proof that what I’m saying is true, all you have to do is visit the traditional route that Yeshua walked on as he carried his cross headed towards Cavalry.
The whole pathway has been renovated and refurbished with statues, shrines, and marble floors etcetera to commemorate where Yeshua for example knelt down or where he bled drops of blood and so on.
As I’ve said before, the tendency to commit idolatry that seems to be so inherent in man is a mighty hard thing to overcome.
I think you are right on both accounts. Good insights into the view Moses received of the Promised Land and how GOD buried MOSES without anybody knowing the burial place. Just like Yeshua’s burial place is a tomb, but which tomb? But let’s connect the dots going back to the beginning: Today’s readings in the Church around the World was Genesis 2:7 (the Creation of Adam who receive the Breath of Life from Hashem) followed by the Creation of the Garden of Eden (2:15 The LORD took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it) v. 17 … but you must NOT eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” (18) It is NOT good for man to be alone..(19) creation of the animal world. (21) God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep and GOD took one of the man’s ribs and made a woman & brought her to the man. (23) The man said, this is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called “WOMAN” for she was taken out of “MAN”. (24() That is why a man leaves his father & mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.(ECHAD in Judaism means ONE like Deut. 6:4 ONE GOD – ponder that – One man/One woman becoming ONE = ECHAD / connect to the most important verse in Judaism: SHEMA ISRAEL ADONAI ELOHAINU ADONAI ECHAD = ONE GOD – Father/Son are ONE)… In Chapter 3 of Genesis is the Fall of man and the loss of the Garden of Eden 3:1-7, The Fall, their eyes were opened. v. 8-24 the blame game – Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent, God cursed the serpent; Eve’s child bearing will be painful while Adam was punished with hard labor. v. 3:20 : Eve became the mother of all the living. v. 21: First animal sacrifice by GOD to cover their nakedness.. The loss of Paradise over an act of disobedience. One Commandment that they could NOT follow… something to ponder – Judaism has 613 Mitzvots (Commandments), JOHN 3:16 – for GOD so LOVED the WORLD… Same numbers – Judaism reads from RIGHT TO LEFT…612 = 316… Maybe we’ll get another chance to do it HIS way this Passover/Lenten Season because Passover & Last Supper are overlapping on the exact same day this year – starting the eve of 4/8/2020 (Nissan 15-22 5780) because the day starts in the Evening as HE says 6 x in the book of Genesis, once for each day of Creation; then HaShem rested on the 7th Day (Could this be the 1000 Millennium year reign & peace?) In Judaism ALL days start in the Evening, not so in Christianity (midnight) – I believe that Our Heavenly Father has another surprise for all of us waiting in the wings. The Corona-virus is rattling all nations, starting in CHINA ( Corona Virus plague?) We are in the season of the 10 Plagues before the LORD took Moses out of EGYPT – Out of EGYPT on dry Ground walked GOD’S people… = the 12 Tribes united… (not UNITED yet, therefore the covenant is NOT valid – for instance Jeremiah 31:31 – better yet: Ezekiel 37:16-28, but especially v. 22) – “Out of Egypt” today is “leave the world of SIN” -. It’s either going UP or going DOWN… MOSES – our hero & leader – was only allowed to LOOK at the Promised Land – MOSES was essentially punished for a small infraction: MOSES hit the ROCK twice instead of speaking to it. BOOM. The 10 Commandments are not suggestions, but a TO-DO-LIST. I hope and pray that the “rattling” will be minimal, but only Hashem knows how to reach US = the World. Shalom to JerUSAlem & the World with Yeshua in the heart of ALL people. Amen & AMen & Amen
What I think is, not only did God bury Moses in secret, he did it in the mountains of Moab, not an area known for its holy beginnings. (Lots eldest daughter and the son they made etc.) I have always suspected that Satan would attempt to reanimate Moses and lead the Israelites astray as well as undermine Joshua’s authority. Just a guess but something I have always thought.