Today we begin Deuteronomy Chapter 33.
For the King James version, click here.
For the Complete Jewish Bible, click here.
Yesterday we just finished up our study of the incredible Song of Moses and boy was that a slog.
This monumental poem dealt with the history of Israel’s salvation…all based on the Lord’s justice system.
The song was also jam-packed with warnings and let’s be honest, it presented a pretty gloomy picture of what would happen to Israel because of their idolatry and rebellion.
On the other hand, the Blessing of Moses given to us here in Deuteronomy Chapter 33 is the exact opposite.
This poem paints a positive picture of hope, abundance and godly prosperity in the future.
These blessings are passed on via individual prophecies for each tribe of Israel.
That’s important to note folks!
Because ONLY ISRAEL is a recipient of these blessings and not some gentile nation.
And keep in mind that in Revelations, the last book of the NT, it speaks of the resurrection of ONLY the 12 tribes of Israel.
Remember, we ain’t dealing with some past dispensation here folks.
I should also note that Deuteronomy Chapter 33 presents a happy and loving side of Moses the Israelites may likely had never witnessed before.
Moses spent the last 40 years trying to teach and lead a people who seemed to resist his leadership every inch of the way.
Remember, Moses was the Lawgiver and as a result had to use the stick far more often than he used the carrot during his leadership simply because that’s what the nature of his divine assignment from Hashem required.
On countless occasions, Moses’ instructions to the Hebrews were often accompanied by harsh rebukes.
He often had to play the role of a prosecutor like what exists in our modern day criminal law system today.
This reminds me of this verse from the New Testament.
“For the law was given through Moses;
grace and truth came through Messiah Yeshua.”
-John 1:17
Again, this is another one of those verses the gentile church completely mangles the understanding of by thinking it’s saying Yeshua’s sacrifice replaced or did away with the Law of Moses.
That verse is talking about two different things because as I’ve already told you like 20 billion freakin’ times already, the Law of Moses was NOT designed for salvation.
Got it.
Let me say that again.
The Law of Moses was NOT designed for salvation, it is a guide for how to live after one is saved.
It doesn’t even make sense to accuse me of teaching the idea that one has to obey the law to be saved when that wasn’t even the purpose of the law in the first place.
Again, the Law was NOT designed for salvation.
John 1:17 is simply stating an objective truth that Moses was indeed the Lawgiver and Yeshua’s sacrifice was for eternal redemption of the soul.
I don’t know how else to explain it.
We’re talking about TWO. DIFFERENT. THINGS. HERE.
John isn’t presenting an either/or proposition in that verse in the sense that you have to choose either the Law of Moses or Yeshua’s sacrifice on the cross among a choice of different salvation vehicles so to speak.
His slant or emphasis is that to think you can gain eternal life by keeping the Law you’re wrong because apparently there were some misguided religious zealots who felt that way.
There is no way God’s Holy Law can be an evil thing.
It’s total theological insanity to come to such a conclusion.
The pattern established in Torah is God saves FIRST and then He gives us His commands as a guide to live a holy life after salvation.
Anyway, those who are mature enough and ready for the meat of the Word will understand and those who won’t, well I guess the Lord will just keep feeding them milk until their eyes are opened.
May understanding come to those who have ears to hear.
Onward or I should say backwards to my original point before I got on that little rant about how the Mosaic Law and Yeshua’s sacrifice are two totally different things and NOT to be compared to each other in an either/or fashion.
As I was saying, throughout most of the history of Israel, it was the Lord who handed out the blessings and Moses was the stern Lawgiver who handed down the consequences when the Israelites went hog wild and misbehaved.
Hashem created the Laws and it was Moses’ job to enforce them.
Honestly, I can really sympathize and understand why Moses lost his cool and in a rage struck that rock to bring forth water instead of speaking to it as Hashem had commanded him.
I mean think about it.
Day in and day out, Moses was constantly bombarded with complaints and grumbling that just never seemed to let up.
Moses wanted at least one kind word of gratitude for all he had done for the people.
Being the bearer of Hashem’s divine warnings and the agent by which God would deliver His curses must have taken its toll on Moses.
However, his role as the stern Lawgiver was about to come to an end.
In this farewell address, Moses is finally given the chance to let down his guard and relax so he can speak of the glorious hope, joy and blessings that await Israel.
For a good 40 years, Moses was in a very real sense the father of Israel.
Remember in Hebraic thought, the Father and His chosen mediator are considered to be one and the same.
And when I say one and the same, I mean in the sense of being one in the same in mission and purpose…not literally (this idea of some hypostatic union is pure fiction that has its origins in Greek inflexible black-and-white thinking).
I betcha Moses’ cheerful and warm demeanor caused the people to do a double-take and wonder…
…is this really the same man who led us in the desert wilderness for 40 years?
Since Joshua was about to assume the role of being Israel’s strict and demanding father figure, Moses could now kick back in the remaining hours of his life and be Israel’s warm and loving grandfather.
Rich: You are so absolutely right on – MOSES IS the LAWGIVER – the LAW still stands (10 Commandments) which most Christians don’t follow anyways. Break ONE, break them ALL… and the LAW does NOT SAVE as you clearly state for the “20 billionth time” , contrary to Orthodox Jewish Tradition – All like sheep have gone astray…
Yeshua means Salvation – HE came to save our soul to bring us back to Heaven where we came from in the first place – (see Psalm 139 – I knew you before even a tree was made – that is the soul was in Heaven with GOD before the Earth existed ) or going down to Sheol / Hell – the place of rebellion against G-D/GOD. The UP or DOWN depends if we follow John 14:6 – I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIGHT / LIFE… No one comes to the Father but by ME (YESHUA = SALVATION) So what was HIS WAY ? Here is a hint : Once a Jew, Always a JEW – the JEWISH WAY…. the KEY : The 12 Tribes MUST be united – coming up so very soon – I am looking forward towards this Pesach Eve (also Last Supper this year – 4.8.2020 – and also the Birthday of a famous Rabbi by the Name of RAMBAM who was born on Pesach Eve in 1135 CE)- very interesting Rabbi to study. His tombstone reads : From Moses to Moses, there is none like Moses… GOD is on the MOVE because HE IS A GOD/G-D of 2nd Chances –
MOSES struck the ROCK instead of speaking to IT. That ROCK represented YESHUA – the ROCK of Salvation – and that is WHY the punishment was severe: GO up to the Mountain and LOOK at the Promised Land and then Moses died… The mantle was passed to JOSHUA – Have I not commanded you be strong & courageous, do not be afraid, do not be discouraged, for the LORD YOUR GOD will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9) . Amen… Joshua in Hebrew is Yehoshua, much later version is Yeshua) – Yehoshua (mentioned 218 x in Tanak) brought the Children of Israel (the 12 Tribes united) into the Promised Land… a very long time ago… SHALOM to ALL who DO what HE Commands. Amen & Amen & Amen.