“For my anger has been fired up.
It burns to the depths of Sh’ol,
devouring the earth and its crops,
kindling the very roots of the hills.
I will heap disasters on them
and use up all my arrows against them.
Fatigued by hunger, they will be
consumed by fever and bitter defeat;
I will send them the fangs of wild beasts,
and the poison of reptiles crawling in the dust.
Outside, the sword makes parents childless;
inside, there is panic,
as young men and girls alike are slain,
sucklings and graybeards together.”
-Deuteronomy 32:22-25
A couple of days ago we studied how the Lord’s wrath and judgement are like a fire that burns down to the deepest parts of Sheol.
Obviously this is a pretty clear reference to hell and not only that.
We were also told that God prepared hell for the destruction of the wicked and that He Himself keeps the flames burning.
In continuation of this point, verse 23 doesn’t mince words.
The Lord clearly says…
…“I will heap disasters on them”.
Alrighty, this should put to rest any idea that the Lord is NOT the cause of evil or distress in one’s life as is commonly taught in the churches.
A lot of pastors will say God is NEVER the source of calamity in one’s life because the Lord is only a God of love.
Rather it is the devil who is the sole cause and source of evil.
Well, that is just super boooooooooool sheeeeeeeeeeeet.
You ain’t gonna find such a doctrine anywhere in Holy Scripture.
You wanna know another false doctrine peddled by countless preachers and Bible teachers?
The idea that the only form of punishment the Lord has for those who are His is to just allow natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons to harm us instead of supernaturally stopping them.
Sorry homies but such a teaching simply ain’t reflected in the Scriptures.
And the Song of Moses just happens to be one of the perfect places that demonstrates such a doctrine is as false as hen’s teeth.
The Scriptures make it clear the Lord WILL SEND disasters and will CAUSE catastrophic events to occur towards those who rebel against Him…whether a believer or a non-believer.
All we have to do is have a good look at the Song of Moses for some specific and scary instances of what the Lord will do.
Take the example of Hashem using up all of His war arrows against His chosen people.
As I mentioned yesterday, this amounts to a full-blown declaration of war against Israel.
Keep in mind that the act of shooting an arrow is anything but some kind of naturally occurring disaster.
When one shoots an arrow the intent is to harm the target and that is the Lord’s full intention here.
When His people rebel against Him to the degree and manner that they did, Hashem intends to harm to His people.
The list goes on.
The Lord says He will send horrible famines and deadly plagues onto the people and the land will be overtaken by deadly poisonous creatures.
The part that speaks about the sword making parents childless is about all of the enemies that will attack Israel.
Things will intensify so greatly that literally every demographic of the population will wither away and die from fear and anxiety that just never seems to end.
And when I say every demographic, I mean EVERY demographic.
Babies, teenagers, maidens (meaning unmarried young women) and the old will all be killed off.
And you know what’s even more fascinating.
When you’ve got some time, check out the middle section of the Book of Revelations.
I’m talking about the part that talks about the Beast and the Lord’s response as He lets loose His 21 judgements: the 7 seals, 7 bowls, and 7 trumpets.
We literally get the same type of depictions that we have here in Deuteronomy 32…almost word for word.
I’m telling you, their ain’t nothing new in the New Testament.
As heartbreaking as it is to read and study this part of the Torah, it’s important to understand that there is a downside to the Lord’s system of justice.
This IS the curses of the Law playing themselves out.
And again, we see these same curses playing themselves out in the Book of Revelations.
More evidence that the Law has NOT been done away with.
Remember, by definition, if there is no right and wrong, then there can be no justice.
Think about it.
If there ain’t no reward for the righteous and punishment for the wicked, justice is meaningless.
Don’t ever think that God’s justice system (as expressed by His Holy Law) has ever been done away with.
He creates good and he causes evil. But not directly, He just allows it and you know who jumps for it,