I just got done discussing how the Song of Moses was anything but a past dispensation and is a poem that is alive and well and has much relevance for the believer today.
You should also know there are many New Testament chapters that also dismiss the idea that the Song of Moses is a thing of the past.
When you have a chance check out the Book of Romans Chapter 11.
It clearly states that the only way for non-Jews or gentiles to become a part of Yeshua’s “church” is to be spiritually grafted in.
He actually uses the term “spiritual” or “true” Israelites.
But understand in no way is he talking about replacing today’s Jews or earthly physical Israel.
Rather Paul is talking about being grafted in and standing ALONGSIDE earthly physical Israel.
Again, in order to demonstrate this concept, the familiar Biblical metaphor of grafting in a branch from a foreign tree (gentiles) into the original olive tree (the nation of Israel) is used to demonstrate the conversion process one goes through when one chooses to follow Yeshua and accept His sacrifice as the ultimate price paid and complete fulfillment of Hashem’s covenants made with ONLY Israel.
Do you recall the “AS-IN-HEAVEN-SO-ON-EARTH Principle” I’ve talked about so many times before?
It’s a phrase I concocted to best describe the mystical and strange connection between the invisible spiritual world and the visible physical world.
Here’s the thing.
This dualism runs front and center throughout the whole Song of Moses.
What’s interesting is that when we have a good look at physical history and Hashem’s plan for mankind, we find that they are intertwined in a CIRCULAR fashion.
“Now what in the heck does that mean?”…is what you’re probably thinking.
Let me try to break it down for you simple and easy.
In the beginning and when I say the beginning I mean before the history of the earth and mankind, everything consisted of only the spiritual dimension.
The spiritual world was first and then out of the spiritual dimension the physical world came.
And from that point onward, these two dimensions (the physical and the spiritual) have been running parallel alongside one another like how a sidewalk runs alongside a street.
Both are needed (the sidewalk for pedestrians and the road for cars and other moving vehicles) yet they are not directly connected to each other (the sidewalk is usually is usually separated from a road by a long winding stretch of grass).
However, understand that both the sidewalk and the road start at the same place, they follow the same path and ultimately arrive at the same location.
This isn’t the best metaphor in the world but I think you get my point.
Now applying this metaphor to God’s plan for mankind, we see that all of existence began as purely a spiritual thing.
Remember, the Word was with God before the beginning of the physical universe..
This was the point when human creation was just a thought in God’s mind and when His laws and commands only existed as divine principles that were active only in the spiritual dimension because obviously the physical dimension had not yet come into being.
However, and this is a whopping big “however”, once the Lord created the universe, His spiritual principles, commands, and laws were at that moment transformed into physical principles, commands, and laws.
See, before the Lord created the first man, the only population of beings in existence who could choose to love God or not were only angels and possibly other types of spiritual beings (I’ve never travelled to the spiritual dimension yet, so I can only go by what Scripture says here).
However, once the Lord created Adam and Eve and they started having children, a parallel population of beings with freewill called humans were introduced into the universe.
Are you following me so far?
So now we have two parallel sets of beings created by God: angelic beings who represent the spiritual world and humans who represent the physical world.
Both of these types of beings exist at the same time in our universe, both were created to serve God, and both were given the freedom to either accept and obey their Creator or deny and disobey their creator.
However things get even more mysterious.
Even though the natural state of angels are spiritual, they at times are able to manifest a physical side of themselves.
Heck, you may have met and even spoken with an angel and would never have known about it.
Now in the same way, even though the natural state of us humans is as physical beings, we also have a spiritual side to ourselves.
And what we discover in God’s Word is that while the dimensions of the spirit and the physical are completely different from and separated from each other, in some unfathomable way, God plans to merge these two realms into one.
Again, when we study Scripture starting from the first book of Genesis we see that in the beginning all that existed was the spiritual dimension.
Then God created the physical world but it was kept separated from the spiritual world.
In fact, the Lord deliberately set up barriers between the spiritual world and the physical world.
However, all of that changed when one day on Mount Sinai the spiritual principles, laws and commands that existed only in the spiritual dimension were introduced into the physical dimension via Hashem handing down the Law to Moses.
Yet, in spite of this momentous event, the law as practiced on earth were only a series pf physical rituals and traditional observances that at best only mimicked how they were practiced in heaven.
We shouldn’t be surprised at this because at this time man didn’t have the capacity or capability to express Hashem’s Torah beyond the physical.
However, there was a huge change again upon the advent of Messiah.
When Yeshua came, the purpose of the law transformed from just being a purely physical and earthly thing into a spiritual and heavenly thing.
We can see this dynamic being expressed in Yeshua’s teachings when he said…
“You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder,and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca’, is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell.”-Matthew 5:28
Or how about these famous verses?
“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”-Matthew 5:27-28
Can you see how Yeshua’s teachings are a shift from the physical to the spiritual or from the seen to the unseen?
This was actually the Lord’s plan from the beginning.
He wants to make a clear shift away from the only physical and fleshly ways of doing things and bring us back to the original spiritual or heavenly dimension of things.
And He accomplished this by sending us the Messiah and by putting His Holy Spirit into us.
Yeshua’s ministry was all about bringing spiritual fulfillment to the physical Law given at Sinai.
He never did away with the Law.
He filled it up with the pure original and spiritual intent of why the Father created the Law in the first place.
It was a huge milestone.
Yet this process of merging the spiritual and physical is still ongoing.
In fact, we believers are to be co-creators with the Lord in helping bring about His Kingdom on earth.
I mean, have you ever wondered what the true meaning of the “Kingdom of God” in the Bible really is?
It’s actually referring to that realm where the physical and spiritual dimensions have perfectly merged.
That’s what John the Baptist was prophesying about when He said “The Kingdom of Heaven” is at hand just prior to Yeshua’s coming.
But again, this Kingdom of Heaven is an ideal that is still a work in process.
It is only partially formed.
And why?
Simply because we believers are still in the process of being perfected by God.
Or to put it in other words, we are still in the process of being merged with perfect spiritual.
I feel this is a process of growth where if one is committed to one’s walk with the Lord, the desire for physical things and the things of this world will automatically become less desirable…
…while our desire to want to become closer to the Lord and grasp unto things spiritual will naturally intensify greatly.
I’ve noticed this transformation in myself as I’ve walked through God’s Word over the years.
I find myself not so interested in acquiring material possessions or this mad lusting after sex that seems to grip men of all ages.
That is why the person who has the Lord only becomes happier and more fulfilled the older he or she gets.
While the person who doesn’t have the Lord can is only concerned about flying off to Pattaya, Thailand so he can bang whores there every night (Mark, are you hearing me bro?)?
The person who has the Lord isn’t worried or concerned that his or her natural physical essence is slowly but surely withering away.
Because such a person is concerned more with the spiritual than the physical.
Having said everything I’ve said, the Bible does speak of a time when the believer will be given a supernatural body that although it’s called a “spiritual body” in Scripture, does have incredible physical qualities to it as well.
I’m talking about a body that will be similar to the type of body angels possess.
In other words, it will be impervious to time and decay.
It’s also the kind of body that will be able to easily and quickly traverse the physical and spiritual dimensions at will.
This is God’s Will for those who love Him and obey His commands.
And that is the circle or cycle of God’s redemptive plan for mankind that I mentioned at the beginning of this post
After many 1000’s of years, Hashem will restore things back to the time when all was spiritual in nature and such horrible things as evil, sin and death will be no more.
Shalom my brother in faith ,
what a inspiring content ABBA YAHWEH will bless you
Thanks for the thumbs up Cecilo. Be blessed!