In case you’ve been in the dark and haven’t realized it by now, the main purpose of this Messianic Revolution blog is to demonstrate in no uncertain terms that God’s Law is far from being irrelevant or done away with.
Not only has the Torah NOT been abolished, minus having a firm understanding of its contents, you don’t have a hope in heaven in ever being able to understand the true nature and character of God and what His plan is for mankind today.
And there is no section that better affirms this principle than the Song of Moses we’re currently studying in Deuteronomy Chapter 32.
This is a monster of a chapter!
I’ve said this before but many scholars and theologians have referred to this section of the Bible as “a canon within a canon”, so chock full of meaning and mystery are the contents contained therein.
That’s why we’re gonna do anything but rush through this classic poem that has captivated the sages for ages.
This Song of Moses will also give me a chance to review and show how some of the divine Torah principles we’ve already studied are interconnected and fit perfectly together like all of the interlocking bones in the human skeleton.
On that note, let me remind you that all of the laws and commands in the first 5 Books of Moses stand upon the solid ground of the 10 Commandments.
And the 10 Commandments stand upon the solid ground of the fundamental instruction to “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul and mind” AND…
…in the very same way…
…God’s tremendous and sometimes downright unfathomable plan for mankind rests upon the foundation of the Lord’s justice system.
The Lord’s justice system is divided into blessings on the one hand and curses on the other.
Blessings for those who love the Lord and obey His commandments.
Curses for those who despise the Lord and break His commandments (the “lawbreakers” as Yeshua calls them).
So let’s get this burned into our craniums for all time and forever.
The Lord’s justice system as contained in His Torah is the immoveable, unshakeable, un-do-away-with-able, and the eternal foundation upon which the believer’s salvation stands for all time!
Got it homies?
Understand that when Yeshua was sent to His death, it was to satisfy God’s justice system as outlined in the Torah.
And it is this very same justice system that is front and center of this very Song of Moses we are currently immersed in.
This Song of Moses is to stand as a witness against Israel forever.
This ain’t no temporary or fading edict that Hashem established.
Unfortunately, the modern gentile church knows absolutely nothing about the meaning and content of the Song of Moses.
Because for close to 2000 years now they have so distanced themselves from Israel and the Torah that I bet if they could have their way they would literally tear out the “Old” Testament from their Bibles as Marcion proposed.
But actually, spiritually speaking, the modern church has already torn the “Old” Testament out of their Bibles.
Why can I say that with such confidence?
Because they refuse to take God’s laws and commands seriously and they have utterly erased Israel from their thoughts and replaced it with their demonic “Replacement Theology”.
They have literally dismissed the prophetic Song of Moses as an irrelevant and past dispensation.
They have also been lopsided in how they have interpreted the Biblical blessings and curses.
They have taken the blessings contained in the Torah and appropriated it for themselves.
But when it comes to the curses, they say all of those negative divine pronouncements only apply to Israel.
And the same applies to how they treat the Law of God.
They post the 10 Commandments in their churches for show because it looks good while at the same time paying zero heed to keep the 4th Word of God which commands “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy”.
When it comes to God’s laws, it’s a “whole subjective pick and choose whatever command you want to obey and discard the rest” fest.
They keep the laws they like such as the law to tithe while trashing everything else.
What a grand joke of gargantuan proportions.
Right on target again – so very true – Keep the Sabbath HOLY is still a Commandment for our day. The LORD told me in 1998 : “I bless you, if you keep the Sabbath Holy…” I said :” I am, I go to Church every Sunday!” HE said : “Sabbath”… That is when HE directed my steps to the Orthodox Synagogue. I attended my first Sabbath on 12.26.1998 as HIS request – I was losing my house at the time for lack of funds because HE had taken me out of my Jewelry business to follow HIM & HIS WAYS. In 5 days my house would be gone, but HE said these words to me : “You must go back to the Synagogue”. I had attended the Synagogue for the Hanukkah Festival on 12.13.1998. It is now 2 weeks later – a Saturday/Sabbath Thus that was my very first ever Sabbath attendance worshiping with HIS brethren the Jews (JUDAH); the Haftarah reading was from Ezekiel 37:16-28, of which verse 22 was the most important – One Kingdom, no longer two Kingdoms (Jews & Christians), but One KINGDOM with ONE KING = Y’SHUA. The date :12.31.98, noon, and by 5 pm my 2 children (13 & 8) and myself will be homeless. So scary. But I said to HIM : “My house is YOUR HOUSE; YOU want me to have it, I will have it. You don’t want me to have, I will not have it.” What can I do? I worked but my brother who owned a Jewelry Store refused to pay me .. Therefore my prayer trusting HIM to take care of us. At noon, an old customer of mine came by my brother’s Jewelry store; she was happy that I was working (and I was even happier) -because she came to buy a diamond & a ring and gave me exactly what I needed : $ 8000. Thus I was able to get my house out of foreclosure, and I am still in it to this day, 22 years later. And it is still HIS HOUSE; HE is the Love of my Life; I do what HE says, like attending Sabbath services with HIS brethren, the Jews again, but at a Conservative Synagogue with a wonderful Rabbi, a real Mensch, and his beautiful Congregation…always learning and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. The LORD will work miracles so very soon; keep your eyes on Passover 4/8/20… This year, Passover/Easter overlap. A very rare event. KEEP the Sabbath HOLY although the Sabbath will be based on the LUNAR Calendar in the future (8, 15, 22, 29 day of each month following the 1st day, which is the NEW MOON day, separate from all the other days) = Exodus 20:8… From New Moon to New Moon, from Sabbath to Sabbath… Isaiah 66:22-23. HIS SIGN is in the sky for the whole world to see – the MOON…”I love you to the Moon & back” = will become reality so very soon1 Look up ! Never give up ! HE listens ! HE hears ! HE answers ! PS: your other post conc. the 12 tribes (Judah & Israel) was right on target as well… Shalom to JerUSAlem & the world with Y’SHUA in the heart of All people. Shabbat Shalom !