“But Yeshurun grew fat and kicked
(you grew fat, thick, gross!).
He abandoned God his Maker;
he scorned the Rock, his salvation.”
-Deuteronomy 32:15
In verse 15 we encounter a strange word: YESHURUN.
What does this word mean?
In Hebrew, literally it means “the upright”.
However, this is an epithet referring to the fact that Israel rejected their God and turned away from the Rock.
However, it is the last couple of words of this verse that are particularly interesting.
Brace yourself because you’re about to have your mind blown.
Most English translations cover up the true meaning of this verse as it’s expressed in the Hebrew language.
So most English Bibles will say something like this.
“…he scorned the Rock, his salvation.”
(Complete Jewish Bible)
“…and lightly esteemed the Rock of his salvation.”
(King James version)
However, if we interpret things according to the original Hebrew here, this is what the verse really and I mean REALLY says:
“Israel scorned the Rock of Yeshua”
That’s right folks.
The words “His Salvation” in the original Hebrew here is the name Yeshua.
If the church would adopt Christ’s real name “Yeshua” instead of “Jesus”, they wouldn’t overlook so many incredible references to the Messiah in Scripture.
And not only the church.
Unfortunately, many scholars deliberately overlook or prefer to NOT accept verse 15 as a reference to Messiah Yeshua because obviously such an interpretation would force many to reexamine their beliefs concerning the true identity of the humble carpenter from Nazareth.
Again, remember this verse is prophetic and points to a time far in the future from Deuteronomy.
It speaks of a time when will Israel will indeed reject and even condemn the salvation or “Yeshua” the Lord will provide for them.
“If you believed Moses,
you would believe me,
for he wrote about me.”
-John 5:46
“…and all of them drank
the same spiritual water.
For they drank from
the spiritual rock that
traveled with them,
and that rock was Messiah.”
-1 Corinthians 10:4
I am in process of writing a book on The Church, I was reading from Deuteronomy, Chapter 32 and the word “Rock” is repeated several times. I know this word refers to Jesus but I was not making a good connect while reading this chapter.Thank you for this insightful realality. If you have any books on the Church beginning or study guides,etc. that you can or will share please send to my e-mail: arnoldmarjorie@ymail.com or how I may purchase such info from you. Thank you. Marjorie Arnold