“But Yeshurun grew fat and kicked
(you grew fat, thick, gross!).
He abandoned God his Maker;
he scorned the Rock, his salvation.”
-Deuteronomy 32:15
From verse 15 the content of Deuteronomy chapter 32 shifts again and this time we are shown an unfortunate human tendency resident in all of us.
We’re told of Israel’s disloyalty towards Hashem after they have grown fat and satisfied.
This is why wealth and prosperity can be a curse in disguise.
We develop a false sense of self-assurance and over time forget that it is only God who is the sole source of one’s peace and abundance in life.
Instead of thanking God for all the incredible blessings we have, we become idolators and credit other things for our success in life.
As they became prosperous, the ancient Israelites caved into peer pressure and committed the worst kind of idolatries by actually bowing down to the various pagan deities that their neighbors bowed down towards since it was customary for those times.
If any of you have ever attended a church for any period of time, I’m sure you’ve all heard sermons about how God has abandoned and rejected His originally chosen people because of their apostasy and given their inheritance to the gentile church.
This idea is a bold-faced lie that needs to be corrected.
So let’s get the facts straight.
FIRST, the Lord God has not disowned His people and turned over their inheritance to some law-breaking gentile church institution.
The discipline of the Lord towards His first-born son Israel may have been harsh at times but it has NOT been a complete KARET or severing.
Actually, the very fact that they are being disciplined is divine evidence He has not abandoned them.
And this combined with the fact that the nation of Israel was literally resurrected from the dead in 1948 should put to death any replacement theology theories floating around out there.
SECOND, let’s face it, all believers everywhere have committed the exact same sins Israel is being accused of here in Deuteronomy chapter 32.
Every time we credit ourselves for our achievements and good fortune instead of Hashem we are committing a form of self-idolatry, are we not?
Or every time we let our own selfish desires and unscriptural traditions and beliefs take priority over what has plainly been revealed in the Lord’s Word, are we not saying we know better than Him?
Trust me, there are many ways we divide our loyalties and bow down to other gods every day even if we’re not literally carving some false god out of stone or wood and bowing down to it.
Since January 2019, I have been attending Adath Jeshurun Congregation – Conservative Synagogue – I understand Jeshurun should be Yeshurun since there is no “J” in the Hebrew Language. Their Senior Rabbi Kravitz is wonderful, although the Congregation is a little more left leaning than I would like, supportive of abortion and gay marriage. But then the LORD said after I inquired: “This way, nobody can point any fingers!” All right, be all inclusive and just pray… Then again, the Rabbi is a real Mensch, the Congregation is warm & welcomes me to attend their Shabbat Services and all services as long as I don’t try to proselytize the members. The Rabbi commented during our 90 min meeting – after he gave me a very surprised look when I told him that I was kicked out of the Orthodox Synagogue because I asked Rabbi Goldberger to accept Y’SHUA in Nov 1999 – that I was a “woman of deep faith” and then he added: “Who am I to say that you are not doing Hashem’s work; we are all on a journey.” Thinking a little deeper, he added : “You are always welcome to worship with us!” This is the first time in my 24 years that a Rabbi (not messianic) has welcomed me after I faithfully attend their services every Sabbath, keeping kosher, following their rituals and prayers to the best of my knowledge and bringing HIS LIGHT to them from within. You are so right : day in and day out we are following our desires instead of HIS desires. Thus the LORD says : “Make ME your number ONE, and I will make you MY NUMBER ONE!” Trying to make HIM happy because HE has shown us MERCY. Besides, as you state so clearly, HE LOVES HIS FAMILY and wants them in HIS KINGDOM. Happy Days are coming our way when we DO and FOLLOW the prompting of the HOLY SPIRIT who is our Counselor & Teacher…. Out of Egypt on DRY GROUND walked G-D’S PEOPLE… The LORD showed me in 1998 that MOSES did not part the Red Sea. When I asked HIM, who did? (Most people say : GOD did). But that is not what HE said to me: “All of Israel walking towards the RED SEA, parted the RED SEA!” That is the Million Dollar question. Who is ALL OF ISRAEL and how can the 12 Tribes come together and worship HIM as ONE: Exodus # 2 standing at the door with Passover / Easter overlapping this year, starting the eve of 4/8 – 14th Nissan… New Beginnings. New Sabbath. New Revelation to celebrate HIM who is sitting on HIS THRONE. Something to think about, pray about, and proclaim : THUS ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED – ROMANS 11:26 (All Israel = 12 Tribes together) Shalom to you and your great study tools.