We’re currently in the midst of studying the profound and deep Song of Moses.
Why do I say this poem is both profound and deep?
I say this because of this song’s many dual characteristics.
It teaches us things on a practical level but also delves into the unknown world of prophecy.
It simultaneously gives us BOTH the physical earthly perspective readily visible to man…
…the spiritual heavenly perspective that’s still invisible and yet to be revealed.
And when I say the Song of Moses, I literally mean just that.
Verses 1-43 is actually a poem that was set to music and was to be sung and remembered by the children of Israel for all time.
In fact, this song would serve as a witness AGAINST Israel when Israel rebelled against God with the result being that they would have to be booted out of their land.
Again this song serves as both a warning and an encouragement for the people.
It contains both curses and blessings.
And as I mentioned before, the reason why this poem contains tragic predictions of Israel’s future apostasy are so that when Israel suffers destruction due to their rebellion, they will know for sure that it is because of the hand of God and NOT chance or fate.
Israel will know for a certainty that their destruction didn’t occur…
…because God was unfaithful to them…
…because the Lord was powerless to defend them…
…because the gentile nations were stronger or had more powerful Gods than Hashem.
Nope, the only reason Israel will be destroyed is because Israel abandoned God and His Torah.
Though it may appear to be because of the evil actions of the nations, Israel’s suffering will be due to the Lord’s divine wrath…nothing less and nothing more.
Having said that though, you should know that it has been and always will be gentile nations that commit evil upon God’s chosen people.
I’ve heard some pastors suggest that God’s use of the nations to punish Israel is somehow evidence that the gentile church has replaced Israel.
Umm…absolutely not.
According to this song of Moses that we’re now studying, it is actually the very evil nature of the gentile nations that Hashem utilizes for His own divine purposes to punish His people for their rebellion.
Man, the irony is soooooooo thick you could literally cut it with a wooden chopstick.
The Lord will use the inherently wicked nature of the gentile nations to punish His people but then He will turn around and punish those same gentile nations for the evil they brought upon Israel.
wow profound indeed am.learning alot
Glad you enjoyed this! Be blessed and shalom!