“He found his people in desert country,
in a howling, wasted wilderness.
He protected him and cared for him,
guarded him like the pupil of his eye.”
-Deuteronomy 32:10
In the latter half of verse 10 we’re told that God guards over Israel as though Israel was the pupil of His very own eye.
There’s nothing wrong with that translation per say but it doesn’t quite capture the real meaning of what the Biblical author intended.
Let me explain what I mean by sharing an incident from my grade school days.
One day in class, as a fun exercise, my teacher all of a sudden told us to turn to the classmate sitting next to us and look very closely into the pupil of his or her eye.
Well, what we discovered was quite fascinating!
When I looked deep into the round section at the very center of the eye of my classmate, I could actually see a very tiny image of myself reflecting back at me.
It was as if I was looking into a tiny curved mirror shaped like a ball.
Once we all discovered this, I remember we used to do this again and again for fun not just in the classroom but outside in the playground as well.
Okay, so you’re probably thinking…
…what in the heck has this got to do with Deuteronomy 32:10?
Well, it’s gotta a lot to do with Deuteronomy 32:10.
What verse 10 is really telling us is that God will protect and fight for the image being reflected in His eye.
In other words, the Lord’s watchful eye is so close to Israel that He can see Israel being reflected back to Him in His own pupil.
This is a statement of just how intimate the Lord’s relationship with Israel is.
Again, the common and mistaken interpretation is that Israel is so precious to God and the apple of his eye that if you touch the chosen nation Israel, you are poking God in the eye.
Again, I reiterate that’s not what this this verse means.
It’s NOT talking about God protecting the very sensitive pupil of His own eye.
No, this verse is about the Lord protecting the IMAGE OF ISRAEL that is in His eye because His watchful eye is so close to His Chosen People.
Now that’s Hebraic thought for you!
I’m done.
Wow! Thank you for share that gem!
Glad you enjoyed this. Be blessed and SHALOM!