“Things which are hidden belong to Adonai our God. But the things that have been revealed belong to us and our children forever, so that we can observe all the words of this Torah.”-Deuteronomy 29:29
In our day and age, it seems like our excessive interest in future prophetic events has overridden the pure study of the plainly revealed things in Scripture.
We’re all convinced we’re living in the last days and that the return of Messiah could be any day now.
And in order to satisfy our obsession of wanting to know what’s going to happen in the future, every ridiculous theological theory imaginable has been put forth claiming the truth about how events are going to unfold in the future.
These theological theories go by a whole bunch of complicated terms such as…
…pre-wrath rapture…
…and so on and so forth.
Consider the best selling book series “Left Behind”.
This is a perfect example of an author profiting off of the fascination people have with end time events.
There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that but I think the trouble starts when believers start actually giving credence to what is nothing more nor less than a fictional story based on an author’s own speculations.
I actually heard there was this pastor at some mega-church who said that if anyone in his congregation didn’t believe in a “mid-tribulation rapture”, not only would he question the authenticity of that person’s salvation experience but also kick him or her out of the congregation.
That my friends is the kind of disaster that results when we just can’t be content with what is plainly revealed in Scripture and have to start obsessing over the hidden things that belong to the Father alone.
Sadly, the situation is such that if enough people in authority or who are well-known agree to a certain interpretation of what’s going to happen in the future (even though there’s zero mention of it in Scripture), it is made into a fact and is turned into some denomination’s non-negotiable doctrine.
That doctrine is then used as a weapon to criticize and exclude others who would dare to think otherwise.
So let me reiterate my point.
Let the hidden things stay with the Lord unless He decides to reveal them to us in His own good timing.
Got it?
The hidden things are NOT for us to know.
When we become too darn preoccupied with the hidden things and prophecies, we start paying less attention to the things that have been revealed to us…
…which are the written word with its clear directions and commands.
I can understand how one can be tempted to want to spend all day studying and talking about some glorious and exciting future as envisioned by some famous Bible preacher rather than simply abiding in the clear commands of Scripture no matter how inconvenient to our personal lives obeying God’s instructions may be.
However, I’m telling you that to think you can discern the future details of those prophetic mysteries held by the Lord alone is playing with fire my friends.
It is a very dangerous thing.
So let me say it again.
Leave the hidden things to the Lord and let’s focus on obeying what has been plainly revealed.
“But about that day or hour no one knows,
not even the angels in heaven,
nor the son, but only the Father.”
-Matthew 24:36
D29-29 : Perfect post and perfect timing ! Devarim 29:29 Thus you are 100% correct : The “left behind” series has done much damage to the “Evangelical” Church… Not all Churches have bought into this theory however. The negative “LEFT BEHIND” is totally un-scriptural and will be proven false before the end of this year (Yes: I am making that prediction boldly) Here is the POSITIVE “Left Behind” – PSALM 119:119 revealed to me for 9.11.99 – Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year in 1999 : Judaism reads from right to left therefore giving us 911:911 which I dubbed “Our 911 to GOD” of coure not knowing anything about 9/11/2001… Psalm 119:119: “THOU PUTTEST AWAY ALL THE WICKED OF THE EARTH LIKE DROSS; therefore I love thy testimonies”. I even did a poem at that time as per HIS orders called “LEFT BEHIND”- with the righteous being LEFT BEHIND. I was worshiping at Kenesseth Israel Congreagtion, Orthodox Synagogue, Rabbi Chaim Goldberger, at that time as per HIS orders – Amos 9:11 was the other verse the LORD revealed to me for 9/11 in 1999; “In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old” … After walking with HIM and talking with HIM, let us connect the dots: let us ALL celebrate Hanukkah this year from 12.22 – 12.30.19 – Hanukkah = “The Miracle of Light” (just google “Hanukkah” to get the Victory picture of the Maccabees over the vast Syrian army in 165 BCE ; As revealed by HIM: Y’SHUAH is the Servant Candle in the Center which is the first candle lit and then all the other candles are lit ONE DAY at a TIME – 8 days total – (44 candles over 8 days 12.22.-12.30.2019) making HIM the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.) Each candle represents ONE day, on day 6 we are back in the Garden of Eden / Adam & Eve (not Adam & Steve) – for a total RE-DO as HE says to me: Flip the page, we are starting over, GENESIS 101! … How did I come up with this: a long & solitary walk with HIM 24/7 since 7.22.1996… But let me explain the simple truth : Y’SHUAH / aka Jesus is NOT coming back because nobody does what HE says – may I point to Matthew 5:17-20. 4 verses in the NT – my wake-up call in 1998 – explaining in crystal clear terms what it takes to be called GREAT IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD… v. 5:17 Think NOT that I am come to destroy the LAW, or the PROPHETS: I am NOT come to destroy but to fulfill. (18) For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the LAW, till all be fulfilled. (19) Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least COMMANDMENTS, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the LEAST in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall DO and TEACH THEM, the same shall be called GREAT in the kingdom of heaven. (20) For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE SCRIBES and PHARISEES, you shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven. WOW – CRYSTAL CLEAR words by Y’SHUAH, KING of kings and LORD of lords… In Chapter Matthew 7 we have the following words of Y’SHUAH / aka Jesus verse 21: ” Not every one that saith unto me, LORD, LORD, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven”. Next 2 verses pay attention: Matthew 7:22-23 : “Many will say to me in that day, LORD, LORD, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works ? (23) And then will I profess unto them, I NEVER KNEW YOU; DEPART FROM ME, YE THAT WORK INIQUITY”. Conclusion: Matthew 5:17-20 (we must be better than the scribes & Pharisees, contemporaries of Y’SHUAH / aka Jesus and even clearer in Matthew 7:21-23 about the rapture absorbed Churches who are going to be facing a rude awakening so very soon when they realize LORD, LORD is not Y’SHUAH but Baal… Too harsh? The truth shall be known and the TRUTH shall set free… Romans 11:11 : I say then, have they (the JEWS) stumbled that they should fall? GOD forbid; but rather through their fall (or failing) SALVATION = aka Y’SHUAH is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them (Jews) to jealousy. Continue reading verses 12 to 25…”until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in”. And next Romans 11:26 : Thus ALL ISRAEL (=12 Tribes) shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob; (27) For this IS my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins. (28) As concerning the gospel, THEY ARE enemies for your sakes; but as touching the election, they ARE BELOVED for the fathers sakes. (29) For the gifts and calling of GOD are without repentance. (30) For as ye in times past have not believed GOD, yet have now obtained MERCY through their unbelief; (31) Even so have these also now not believed, that through your MERCY they also may obtain MERCY. (32) For GOD has concluded them ALL in unbelief, that HE might have MERCY UPON ALL.. follow to end v. 33-36: “For of HIM and through HIM and to HIM are all things; to whom be glory for ever”. Amen. End of Romans 11. Thus let us Celebrate Hanukkah & Christmas this year – because GOD is the Plan and the Plan is GOD. From beginning to end… and a new beginning… Shalom to JerUSAlem & the world with Y’SHUAH in the heart of all people : Amen & AMen & Amen…
Thanks for sharing.
MONIQUE WHITE, I would love to connect and chat with you about what God has shown me. I don’t think it is random seeing this today (my bday as well) and then your comment. I read as far as he’s not coming back because we aren’t doing what he says.2020 is a whole new thing. So much more than I can type right now. I hope somehow we can connect. crs22crs22@nym.hush.com
Richoka, thank you for this article. You are a gifted writer. Thank you for using it to spread truth, educate people, and try to get people to think. I appreciate you.
Thank you for the warm words of feedback Chris. Be blessed. And I hope you can connect with Monique.