“Things which are hidden belong to Adonai our God. But the things that have been revealed belong to us and our children forever, so that we can observe all the words of this Torah.”-Deuteronomy 29:29
The final verse of Deuteronomy Chapter 29 is unique.
Why do I say that?
I say that because it’s one of those verses that one could literally teach and sermonize on for days on end.
This verse tells us that…
…there are those revealed things of God that belong only to Israel and their children forever AND…
…there are those hidden things that belong only to the Lord.
Those revealed things have been uncovered so that Israel would obey them.
On the other hand, those hidden things reserved only for the Lord are for Israel to wonder about.
First, when the Scripture talks about “the things that have been revealed to us and our children”, understand it is referring to the Hebrew Bible.
Remember, the Hebrew Bible is divided into the TORAH (5 Books of Moses), the NEVIIM (the Prophets) and the KETUVIM (the Writings).
Hence, the acronym TNK or TANAKH.
There are so many principles we can take from this last verse of Deuteronomy Chapter 29.
However, the most important one is the fact that the greatest tool the Believer in HASHEM has is the TORAH.
Because it’s in the Torah where the foundation for salvation is established and within its teachings, laws and commands we can know what pleases HASHEM and more importantly what displeases Him.
The Torah informs us from God’s perspective (the only perspective that counts) what is right and wrong and what is good and evil.
That’s why it’s so unfortunate that from around the 3rd center A.D., the gentile church decided to throw the Torah in the trash and claim that it is not relevant to believers today and has been abolished.
What have been the results of this decision?
You know what?
Instead of me answering, I’m going to let one of the world’s noted Bible scholars answer that question in my stead.
His name is Thomas Scott and he’s most known for his best-selling work titled “A Commentary On The Whole Bible”.
Unfortunately, Thomas Scott is no longer with us today but his words live on.
Here’s what he had to say concerning replacing the Scriptures with our subjective musings.
“Almost all the heresies and controversies, which have corrupted the purity or disturbed the peace of the church in every age, have originated from disregard to this distinction: it is from vain attempts based on human reasonings and church authorities, in order to fill up supposed chasms in God’s revelation; and to make it more apparently consistent and systematical than it pleased God to make it (in His Word to us). From deducing disputable consequences of God’s revelation Scriptures, or from tracing back the Word’s sacred mysteries to some unrevealed cause, silence can be a more appropriate response in the face of the ultimate mysteries…..”
So in plain simple English, what’s this homie getting at here?
He’s telling us it’s our desire to always want to know the why’s behind everything in Scripture instead of just accepting and trusting what God has said in His Word that has led to a broken and divided body of Messiah.
In a nutshell, the church has replaced the Word with their own fanciful imaginings (what they call doctrines).
Things that are nowhere to be found anywhere in the Scriptures including the New Testament (yes, I’m separating the NT from the Scriptures).
Here are some of the aberrational teachings they have pulled from their own imaginations and not Scripture.
The Trinity
God the Son
Pre-wrath rapture
And the biggest one of all that wins the Oscar for being the most ridiculous of all teachings ever to be foisted on the minds of men is…
….the idea that God’s Law has been done away and replaced by some undefinable “Law of Christ” that they claim is not based on Torah but based on…
…err…hmm…forget it…
…heck, I don’t even know what a Christian is talking about at this point in the conversation.
But why have they done this?
Well, I hazard it’s because they’ve decided their intellects can’t be properly satisfied unless they can take God’s Word and somehow format it into some well-defined system for every theological and social question that could ever arise whether the answers to those questions are directly addressed in Scripture or not.
Again, this is just Greek thinking gone doggone hog wild to the trillionth degree.
When you start messing around and changing God’s Word, you know you’ve gone stark raving mad.
This is what led to the birth of what the gentile church calls “Systematic Theology”.
We’ll continue this discussion the next time we meet.
Thank you for addressing the most poignant issue since the 7x Lev25 punishment of Ephraim-My-firstborn (of the Spirit and New Covenant under the Priesthood of Melchizedek) who knows Messiah when He returns, has been completed. (Zechariah10:7)
First, there is a mindset which is one of the keys to understanding these things and bearing Fruit from the application of it that comes from the most published and beloved Pharisee of all time, that has been included in what we have called the New Testament–the only midrash of TaNaKh that does not reject Torah or the Prophets by Dt4:2 “adding or taking away”: Romans11:32-36 …all men have been consigned to disobedience, that YHWH might have mercy on ALL…
The mainstream Church has, like Israel, leaned upon the carnal understandings of men…wicked Shepherds that, ignorantly or not, do the bidding of our only external Adversary, Satan, with whom and with whose allies we wrestle. However, to say that each Christian has actually chosen the path of lawlessness (Mt7:23 anomia, rejection of Torah) that our Jewish brothers clearly see, as a speck in lawless Christians’ eyes, is just as inaccurate as the same assumption that each Jew who follows one of the non-Messianic forms of Judaism which has no God but Rabbis through their own brand of Dt4:2 errors has reached that path through their own diligent study of TaNaKh. NOT SO! No error is arrived at through a diligent study of TaNaKh…but indeed, a lack of it, as you point out!
The assumption of a carnal need to explain hidden mysteries that you arrive at is certainly at play within “Cemeteries,” errr Seminaries everywhere, but we would be remiss not to cite the actual initiation of lawlessness being adopted, as your accurate dating suggests, upon a pagan Roman emperor false convert who finally said “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em…” Which is exactly what Constantine did. Every Christian Rome killed died with such faith and honor that it created an increase in their number, so Constantine finally became the Dictator of “christianity” and fulfilled the revelation of Messiah that the anti-christ was indeed already at work in the world to lead the “great falling away which must precede the return of Messiah” by making the Sabbath and Moedim illegal upon pain of death, in hopes that the majority of Christians would be willing to turn away from Torah to avoid the cross and/or coliseum.
Side note: We should not expect a future “greater” falling away from faith in God and His Word. It is in full swing at this very moment, and if anyone doesn’t think so, they are caught up IN IT through the promise of a 2Thes2:9-11 DELUSION…FOR NOT LOVING TRUTH.
In any case, the majority of modern day Christians are the offspring of those who either turned away from Torah or escaped the enforcement of Constantine’s lawless dictates. LIKEWISE, modern day Jews are the offspring of those who turned away from Torah to follow Rabbis who rejected Messiah and the many miracles such as the four Temple miracles that continued daily for 40 straight years in an effort to show the Levitical Priesthood that the Jeremiah31:31 New Covenant had BEGUN…not to mention the Zechariah12:10, Isaiah7:14 and 53:1-12 and other Messianic prophecies! The full completion of the New Covenant will not occur until we are “with Him and Like Him!”
These are the root causes of the major errors within both Judah and Messianic Ephraim-of-the-Nations-My-firstborn, but I agree that our leaning on our own understandings to make sense of what YHWH requires us to call mysteries while we walk in the Light of TaNaKh is a major reason for our CONTINUATION in these silly errors. If we see beyond these errors, is it not a source of walking in greater fear of the LORD, to see that He uses such things to be a stumbling block to all but those who love Him with their whole hearts and search out His instructions as a conforming Bride and follow in The Way of Messiah? Even so, I am pained with guilt to say that, because I was drawn to love Truth as a Rev14:12 Saint, who keeps the testimony of Messiah and the Commands, by the Holy Spirit…not because I was a better theologian or a more morally upright person–but, BY GRACE ALONE!!!
To YHWH Eloheinu and His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach tsidkenu be all the glory! Jer23:6 🕎
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
I have enjoyed and learned from your thoughts. There doesnt seem to be a search option but I am very interested in your explanation via the Word regrading the “doctrine of the Trinity” and how Yeshua is not God. IS there some section here that will provide that?
thanks very much,
Hi Sandy, You might find this article interesting: https://messianic-revolution.com/n23-9-god-not-man/