One thing we know from examining other ancient treaties discovered in the Middle East is that many nations used the exact same structure and format we find here in Deuteronomy.
In other words, a series of threats were laid out of what a colonized city or state could expect if they violated the treaty and angered the king who ruled over them.
These treaties were usually very graphic and contained a lot of specific detail of the horrifying consequences a subjugated nation state could expect if they rebelled.
Therefore, we shouldn’t be surprised to encounter the same format being used in the Torah concerning God’s relationship to Israel and the blessings and curses.
However, there is one BIG DIFFERENCE between the typical earthly treaties made with the vassal states and the empires that ruled over them compared to what we have here in Deuteronomy.
What big difference do you think I’m referring to?
The big difference is that the curses listed here in Deuteronomy were…
…prophetic for Israel.
The curses in those earthly treaties were just exaggerated threats engineered to scare the subjugated so they would be frightened and stay in line.
However, when it comes to the Lord, let’s remember He is NOT a man and thus unlike any other type of earthly king.
He does NOT make idle threats or use harsh and unjust measures to control the people.
In hindsight, we know that everything HASHEM said Israel would do they did and…
…everything God said He would do in response to their rebellion He did.
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