For those who say the Mosaic Covenant replaced the Abrahamic Covenant and then maintain that when the New Covenant came along, that replaced the Mosaic Covenant, I’ve got a question for you.
If that’s true, who’s to say another future covenant currently unknown to us won’t come along and replace the current New Covenant?
See what I’m saying homies.
Here’s the truth.
Israel knew nothing of some mysterious plan of God’s to make the Abrahamic Covenant obsolete.
And they knew absolutely NOTHING of some divine plan that would render the Mosaic Covenant null and void.
Quite the contrary, actually.
In His Word, HASHEM makes it clear that BOTH the Abrahamic Covenant and Mosaic Covenant are eternal and that they work together like two hands on a clock.
Are you getting this?
Because if we accept the ridiculous notion that HASHEM made multiple covenants in the past and then every once in a while when He felt like it sprung a new and improved one on His people that voided the one that came before, how can you be so sure it He ain’t gonna do it again?
In fact, such a notion seems to be a common characteristic among the false religions.
For example, although Islam views Yeshua as being a great prophet, they claim that Mohammed is the final prophet who brought an even newer message from the true and living God.
They’re not saying Yeshua’s message was false.
They’re just saying that Mohammed’s message supersedes Yeshua’s.
The same thing goes for Mormonism.
The Mormons claim they have a covenant newer than the New Testament which they received from their prophet Joseph Smith.
They call it the Book of Mormon.
Sorry to keep beating a dead horse here folks but do you see what I’m saying?
If we worship a God who makes a covenant with His people which He says is forever and then turns around and replaces it with some newer covenant, how in the hell can we trust Him?
The answer is we can’t.
“God is not a human, that he should lie,
not a human being,
that he should change his mind.
Does he speak and then not act?
Does he promise and not fulfill?”
-Numbers 23:19
That is why any religion that makes the claim that the Law of Moses has been done away because of some “newer” covenant is a false religion born from the anti-Christ period.
Fortunately and thank God, the answer to the rhetorical question I posed at the beginning of this post is that the Lord will NEVER EVER spring some future covenant on us that will void His previous covenants.
Our God doesn’t create an eternal covenant and then willy nilly suddenly turns around and does away with it.
That would go against His very nature and the pattern established in Torah.
Contrary to what Replacement Theology teaches, the New Covenant spoken of in Jeremiah has NOT voided the Mosaic Covenant…
…the Mosaic Covenant has not voided the Abrahamic Covenant.
They are like different layers of the SAME house each building upon the other.
Joseph Smith is not a prophet because he claimed that “The book of Mormon has replaced the Torah”.
The notion that Yah would abandon or replace a former covenant is silly. Such illogical thinking necessitates that the Father made mistakes.
Who in their right mind would make such a claim as “God makes mistakes”? Yet, I have heard this many times from Christians.
I hear ya.