In yesterday’s post, I established the point that the Mosaic Covenant had NOT been rendered null and void because Israel had broken some of its terms and conditions.
It was just that a portion of the penalties (called “curses”) written into the contract were activated due to their disobedience.
Of course, all the penalties or curses were on Israel’s side because the Lord never changes and thus it is impossible for Him to go back on His Word.
Think of a contract you enter into with a real estate company to get a new home built.
If the builder completes the project on time or before the due date, he receives a nice chunk of cash for his efforts.
This would be the equivalent of the “blessings” for his obedience.
But, if he fails to complete the house before the deadline, for every day he’s late, a certain amount of money is subtracted from what he would have gotten had he finished the project on time.
These are the “curses” for his disobedience so to speak.
However, understand that just because the builder failed to obey the contract doesn’t mean the contract is suddenly thrown in the trash.
The validity of the contract still remains in full force.
And the same thing goes for the Mosaic Covenant with Israel.
Israel received blessings when they were obedient to the covenant and they received curses when they violated the terms of the covenant.
Once the children of Israel ratified the covenant by simply accepting it with their verbal amen, all that was left was for the covenant’s terms and conditions to be played out over time.
The same goes for the Abrahamic covenant.
All Abraham had to do was accept the gift of the covenant given to him and it was a done deal.
The big difference between the Mosaic Covenant and the Abrahamic covenant was that Abraham had no obligations.
Because the Abrahamic covenant had no penalties or curses attached to it and thus Abraham had no obligations.
On the other hand, the Mosaic Covenant did have penalties (curses) attached to it because Israel did have obligations they had to meet.
And we can see how the both the blessings and curses of the Mosaic Covenant have historically worked themselves out through the Hebrew people to this very day.
In other words, the Mosaic Covenant is alive, well and kicking today.
In fact, the New Covenant is nothing more nor less than the Mosaic Covenant written on our hearts (actually “mind” in Hebraic thought).
In fact, Yeshua’s whole message to Israel was to return to the pure obedience to God’s Torah.
“Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah — not until everything that must happen has happened. So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven.”-Matthew 5:17-19
Very well said. Thank you
Thank you for your warm comment. Be blessed and shalom.